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Name: Psycho Judge

Bio: I'll be the Judge of that. Livin' in America, my favorite band is Motörhead... Metal Gear?! Kraka-BaDOOOM!



I really dig this book, and recommend everybody interested hops on board. That the first five issues are free is…

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I can’t think of another issue where Catwoman was done so wrong. This is pretty much one of the worst…

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PsychoJudgeDredd's Recent Comments
October 22, 2012 1:00 pm This is what, the third or fourth article on this subject? It seems every couple months there's one on here. As to the add in question, it's humor, it's good that it offended some people. Yes, people shouldn't be sexist or have prejudices, on the other hand I feel like that pic is the kind of thing say Ricky Gervais would defend. Like comedians often say, it's a joke.
October 22, 2012 10:50 am Sure, agreed that behavior of making threats and whatnot is bad, though there are posters like that in every facet of the net not just comics. I just disagree that positive speculation and reaction to previews and announcements is any more valid than negative. I get the argument, and I've heard people on ifanboy are sometimes tired of negativity, personally I think both have their place. And I think Marvel could use the criticism, personally.
October 22, 2012 10:44 am I dig most of that casting, though Steven looks too "young and innocent" to play Jackie for me. This would be cool. That said, I think Darkness and Witchblade would be even better on the big screen, they could use an effects budget for sure.
October 21, 2012 9:30 pm That said, I do agree with you on how much a 20 page comic can cover, which is one of many reasons why comparing it to TV seasons doesn't seem fruitful.
October 21, 2012 9:24 pm Since the article mentions giving them a break, I'd assume this season idea is for less than 12 issues a year. And if it is 12 issues a year, it's exactly the same as now only with different numbers and "season" written on the cover. Which is not a notable change.
October 21, 2012 9:14 pm More specifically, like the shows you mentioned say Breaking Bad, I think it would take 2 or 3 issues to fully cover everything in one of those episodes in depth. I'd say the 20 page comic canvas is maybe equivalent to a half-hour show, as opposed to the hour shows mentioned. Just in the space to work with.
October 21, 2012 8:59 pm When I said it "wasn't that much", I didn't mean it isn't much work. I know pencillers work long long hours to make those monthly books happen, I read their tweets and whatnot. Including some of your co-workers. So I'm with you, I know it takes a lot of work to make those 20 page books. What I meant was literally bulk, it's not that much material, especially compared to a TV season. I like comics even better than TV to a large degree, I'm just saying it takes a lot of pages to get that all covered. I think there's a reason why Buffy season 8 was 40 issues, essentially.
October 21, 2012 8:53 pm Lets say a comic season takes the summer off like TV, we're still talking what, 9 issues? 8 maybe? Is a few less issues a year really something that'd make ongoing comics that much more accessible? For me, I'd just be wondering why we aren't getting any comics those months. And I guess the main penciller would just do a few fill-ins on other books then, instead of having a steady job?
October 21, 2012 8:47 pm If we're not passing any judgement on previews and news, then how are we discussing them at all? If people don't get a positive vibe, that's what they post. And what entertainment doesn't have both positive and negative comments on the net? And hey, if you think negativity is steering new readers away from Marvel Now, perhaps that's more money to be spent on Image, Dark Horse, IDW, and Dynamite books, etc?
October 21, 2012 8:17 pm I thought it was great personally, something special. I dig the art as well.