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Name: Kyle Windle



MisterKyleW's Recent Comments
July 9, 2013 3:28 pm I've been re-watching some of these video shows. Really loved the discussions you guys had on different books and creators and genres! I'm curious, Josh, if you ever got around to revisiting Planetary and if your thoughts changed at all.
July 3, 2013 1:47 pm My dad just told me about this! Can't wait to get one.
July 2, 2013 4:11 pm Image is taking all of my money. That Black Science cover put an enormous, ENORMOUS smile on my face.
June 27, 2013 12:38 am Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!
June 27, 2013 12:01 am I've been meaning to read Preacher for years now, and I really think his war comics are something I need to read based on everything the iFanboys have said. I've heard mixed things on the Boys and the Punisher Max stuff though...I'll take recommendations if anybody has them! If his character work is even half as good as what Josh says in this review and in past shows, I bet I'll love it.
June 26, 2013 10:51 pm Okay, I have no exposure to Ennis's work, but I've been meaning to try his stuff out, and after all the praise you guys have heaped on this series, the collection of this story sounds like a good place to start! I probably should've listened sooner but better late than never, I suppose.
June 26, 2013 4:06 pm I had just read this leading up to the Man of Steel release, so it was great listening to this discussion! I definitely saw a lot of "Man of Steel" in this and when people ask me after watching the movie what they should read, this is what I point to. I'm SO glad you talked about the last two pages, because I absolutely LOVED that moment. Regarding Lex not knowing Clark is Superman: I think Jonathan is the one who says that even if Lex wanted to link Superman to Clark, his ego wouldn't allow it because in Lex's mind, nothing good will come from the "hick town" of Smallville except him. I read that as meaning it wasn't so much that in Lex's mind, he is the greatest mind on Earth who transcended his hometown, who came from nothing and overcame adversity and rose to become the greatest man on Earth. For him to admit that Superman also grew out of Smallville, that he has to share that common origin would be to admit that Superman is as great as he is, which is a huge leap for his ego to make. Not only that but that it wasn't the town that held Lex back but actually Lex himself. I actually really liked that explanation and I thought it was a great dimension to Lex's character. Thanks again guys. Your passion for Superman is infectious.
June 25, 2013 3:59 pm Definitely! I think there are 52 Avengers books alone!
June 25, 2013 2:21 pm That's a good point and my impression as well. The investment of time and money was a lot less for Flashpoint, and coupled with a good story, made it much more worthwhile. Paul's joke about Barry Allen on the cover of Age of Ultron 10A in the Light Week article seems pretty apt though, given the structure of the two series. Maybe The Flash will start the Marvel new 52 this week! haha
June 25, 2013 2:02 pm Yes! That'd be great!