
Name: Gunnar Jacobsson


Magnus's Recent Comments
February 24, 2011 8:55 pm So I'm guessing next issue, Peter will go run to Mephisto to make it all better, since that's what he does now?

That said, that is a beautiful spread in ASM.
February 2, 2011 9:43 pm The need to categorize people be it "superhero reader," "Non-superhero reader" up to "privlieged white American male" is far more damaging than anything Eric Powell can ever right.
February 2, 2011 7:53 pm While I think he makes an interesting point, I did find it to be slightly disingenuous coming from a guy whose work is published through a company that specializes in Licensed Property comics.
January 18, 2011 5:40 pm This looks kind of dreadful. The guy playing Magneto looks like a young Dr. Baltar. I'll classify it as wait and see but, I can't imagine it's going to get any better once you have these bland looking people spouting equally banal language. What's kind of disappointing though is the "You're not allowed to have an opinion about this picture - meant to get people talking and interested in the film - if it's negative" atmosphere of tis thread. People have been drawing conclusions about their interest and the inherant quality of things based on still pictures, posters, etc for ages. 
December 28, 2010 7:03 pm At least this stuff is getting attention! Performing arts injuries are criminally underreported. There have been a number of "whissle bolwer" sites about theme park staff/performer injuries over the years, same with vegas. It's not to say that the injuries are as bas as here (they certainly are a sepcial instance), but that in general the public doesn't know about them. Ask yourselves when was the last time you heard of a broadway injury getting air time on news for more than maybe a 10 second mention? They're not brought up. The scrutiny this production has been under since the beginning is bringing this stuff to light.
December 23, 2010 12:26 pm Guess I missed the memo where insulting people was funny.

@JurassicAlien  I fail to see how prax thoughtfully deconstructing the panels is him fulfilling a stereotype? It's not nitpicky, it's competent analysis. 
December 9, 2010 4:48 pm @Wordballoon I jus want to thank you for exemplifying Wood's sentiment in the first two sentences of this review. Prax brought up past examples of this company's PR practices, the two he mentions were met with a great deal of negativety from fans. Seeing as how this release is premised on nothing but past successes for these writers, how is he wrong to bring up past failures of marketing?
December 8, 2010 9:15 pm @KickAss I hadn't realize we'd lowered the standard for "kicked ass" to an impotent "I'm a better reader because I ignore this" dick measuring contest.
December 8, 2010 5:57 pm @iSpiderM Trust me, this ad is meant for current comic reader. No one walking into a bookstore gives a shit who Bendis or Fraction are, and what their status in the company is. So shooting themseves in the  hoof is saying to current comic readers "These are the only ones who count, not the other guys working just as hard."
September 23, 2010 7:14 pm What abott going as the iFanboys?!