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KnightofSteel's Recent Comments
June 3, 2013 12:56 pm When I was in high school I hid the fact that I read comics because the fact of the matter was it was hard to fit in as it was. And any hint that you're deviating from "trying to be cool" was not worth the risk. But like many as I got older and became more comfortable in my own skin I could care less about what others think. Like a previous poster mentioned I'd refer to myself as a nerd or a geek to describe my interest towards the sub culture. And I don't take it very seriously. One of the persistent problems is that comic book companies continue to not advertise their comics beyond comic shops -- and that only keeps the hobby insular resulting in you guessed it... continual stereotyping of those consumers.
May 31, 2013 10:53 pm If I have a comment in response to an article or what have you, I mainly like to sound positive and excited about it -- because I am. I always hope it'll wind up with someone else checking out a title or a series. Why bother going on negatively about something? It's just a waste of my time...I'd rather fill that time doing something else constructive or enriching with my life.
May 24, 2013 1:21 am Funny, was reading this earlier today (so awesome -- loved the back-up too). And once I finished it I thought "I bet this will be the POTW for iFanboy" -- and sure enough...
May 20, 2013 5:38 pm AQUAMAN #20 STAR WARS LEGACY #3 BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT #20 JUSTICE LEAGUE #20 TALON #8 (looking forward to Sepulveda on art!) GI JOE COBRA FILES #2 DAREDEVIL #26 FANTASTIC FOUR #8 IRON MAN #258.3 BQ: Lookout....whatever gives me the least accountability....cause that's just the kind of guy I am.
May 13, 2013 7:55 pm NIGHTWING #20 GI JOE A REAL AMERICAN HERO #190 GI JOE SPECIAL MISSIONS #3 NOVA #4 WOLVERINE MAX #7 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA #1 COMIC BOOK CREATOR #1 BQ: My mom always looks on the bright side of things and stays positive, just always came natural to her.
May 6, 2013 10:20 pm Bit of a smaller week for me... Star Wars #5 Batman #20 Batman & Red Hood #20 Justice League of America #3 Iron Man #258.2 BQ: Got a bit of time to myself to read a bit more of "G.I. Joe: Tales From The Cobra Wars" new anthology novel that I got a couple of weeks ago -- which I'm really enjoying.
April 29, 2013 7:53 pm Looks like a good week... Aquaman Back Issue Batwing Detective Comics Earth 2 Green Arrow Indestructible Hulk Iron Man 258.1 Superior Spider-Man BQ: looking forward to both Iron Man 3 and Star Trek about the same, but if had to choose it'd be IM 3. I have a feeling it'll be so much better than IM 2.
April 26, 2013 5:47 pm I don't understand why, considering Marvel is doing their own movies now, that they don't promote their comics on the movie screen. Whether before or after the trailers, before the credits...whatever. People complain comics don't get enough exposure, yet Marvel with now deep Disney pockets don't do this. Marvel I'm sure can even afford tv commercials to promote comics.
April 19, 2013 1:21 pm I refuse to pay more than 2.99 for a digital copy I don't really own. But then I have to pay 3.99 for a physical Marvel comic which now has crappy paper stock. A bad situation to say the least.
April 16, 2013 12:37 pm I think director Shane Black is gonna bring something different to the table for Iron Man 3, something darker, edgier. I am cautiously optimistic but am hoping for a better experience than IM 2. As for Man of Steel that's the one I'm most looking forward to. I had problems with many of the previous Superman films (I.e. spinning earth backwards, magic kisses, and Super-offspring etc.), so I hope this one delivers. Star Trek Into Darkness: in JJ Abrams I trust, so if it's on the same level as the first one I'll be happy. The Wolverine: the trailer didn't impress me, but hopefully they learned their mistakes from the first film and give us the Wolverine we all want to see. Thor 2: this'll be awesome. Please Thor put on the helmet!