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Name: Jack Appleton


Jericho's Recent Comments
January 23, 2012 5:01 pm It really is beautiful weather here in Australia, but because I live in an island state I won't be getting my pull list until thursday :/, really looking forward to American Vampire, Justice League, The Flash, Aquaman, Captain America and Bucky, Justice League Dark and what the hell happened to Spaceman this month! That cliffhanger!!!
May 4, 2011 9:04 am I don't understand, Scott Kolins really didn't do so bad in DCU legacies, but this artwork was just off... And I agree, they're spreading GJ way too thin, just like how Dustin Nguyen was almost single handedly drawing the dc universe. (or atleast their covers), same with M.J. Straczynski, now look at the state Superman is in now...