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Name: I'la O


I-Doll's Recent Comments
October 13, 2012 3:32 pm My big complaint with this issue was having to wait an extra month due to the 0 issue for the story conclusion, which dilutes some of the build up, in my opinion. Knightfall is such a perfect villain for Batgirl, especially at this phase of both of their lives. How they both went through such traumas and choose to work through them so differently. Where they choose to get their lessons from and who/why they choose to do what they do. Knightfall's situation and reaction is hard not for many of us to identify with to at least some degree, but Babs, she knows how to see beyond that and do the right thing. Babs is who Gotham needs. Plus, I love all the tie ins from Batwoman to the Gotham Police to James. Lots interwoven for those who've been following the whole series. As to it being a tie-in to the overall story: wouldn't recommend anyone buying it for that reason. There is one very crucial page, involving Bab's Mom, that ties to Death of the Family, but that's not enough for people who aren't following this title to buy this specific issue. Though that specific page did alarm me and make me anticipate Batgirl's Death in the Family story even more.
October 13, 2012 3:10 pm Agreed. My friend and I who read it together had to hug and hold each other after ward, lol. *SPOLIER ALERT* And for a more than a moment, I really thought Joker was going to cut her.
August 20, 2012 5:11 pm Been enjoying the series, though I be easier as a trade. Grant Morrison must love this series, because it bursts with the story elements he seems to find so dear. As a Wonder Woman fan, I found her portrayal in this issue breathtaking.
July 22, 2012 3:57 pm Loved the story for this issue, but the art threw me off a lot. Couldn't tell if it was the artist and the inker, but the ladies faces looked distorted in certain panels. Still, very excited to read the new issue--am a little biased though, because Poison Ivy is one of my favorite characters.
May 12, 2012 4:20 pm Enjoying the Batgirl series in general, but issue 9--wow, I'm counting the days until issue 10! Love how they weaved a historical plot that fits and can't wait to see how it develops.
May 12, 2012 4:16 pm Some are better than others, but personally, Batgirl and Batman have me the most excited.