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Name: Gary Anderson

Bio: Producing Artistic Director of Plowshares Theatre Company, director, artist, father of two and husband of one, ...SO FAR!! Comic book lover forever!!



I don’t care what anyone says, this book has been enjoyable throughout its entire run. I cannot wait until the…

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September 2, 2013 6:44 am This was inevitable after Ron left. When you lost Graphic.ly and Ron got a job at Image, the slow decline for iFanboy had started. Actually, it started when you guys stopped the regular(?) video podcast. The decline had just picked up the pace in the last year. When you weren't going to produce any Conventions videos, it was evident that the iFanboy operations were contracting without any external financial support. It's really hard to find a way to have your passion also be your source of income in this world, unless if your passion is to simply make money regardless of the manner. I hope you guys find satisfaction in your lives as you go forward. You created something that has become an important forum for exchange.
September 26, 2012 7:32 pm I've been laying down bets with a friend that I could pick the iFanboy POTW. We've been doing this since last year starting with the beginning of DC's New 52. We wager on who will buy lunch. In the last 52 weeks I've paid for lunch only 8 times.
August 12, 2012 1:41 pm I disagree about Justice League Dark. It's one of the best titles of the New 52. Baron Winter and his Night Force were not updated for a modern day comic-reading audience. Marv Wolfman did not do the job in this mini-series. My problem starts with the writing and is made worst by an underwhelming art. I was a fan of the original series, flaws and all, but this one was disappointing.
August 9, 2012 1:29 pm This series held a lot of promise. It was unfortunately weighted down by an awful artist and a very flawed, drawn-out story. Too bad.
August 9, 2012 1:24 pm Good review. This was a very good issue. However, there is no such word as "multiversal."
July 24, 2012 8:00 am I saw The Dark Knight Rises on last Friday morning at the 10:00 AM viewing. By that time we were just hearing the first few little details about the Aurora shooting that had happened less than 8 hours earlier. I enjoyed the movie and plan to see it again this weekend. I didn't consider the incident while I watched the film. It didn't color my viewing of the events that transpired in the story. The killing of 12 innocent people and the shooting of some 50 more persons by a lone gunman were the actions of a man who is callously believed he had the right to take lives. It wasn't Christopher Nolan or Batman or violence films that caused what happened in Aurora last Friday morning. It was our complete lack of respect for the life in this country. If you didn't see the film you missed the message against using guns and extreme violence to solve issues that runs through the movie. If you didn't see the film you missed the message that a hero isn't the one who dresses up in a mask and has fancy gadgets but rather the person who gets control of his or her fears and steps up to do the right thing even when it requires personal sacrifice. If you didn't see the movie you missed the message about how building a myth of false heroism serves no one. If you didn't see the film you missed the message on how selfish greed and acquisition of material wealth at all cost leaves none of us richer. A movie didn't cause the problems we saw revealed in Aurora last week. They existed in this world before, and, as of yet, have gone unchecked by the lack of action on So go see the film. You weren't doing anything to solve these problems anyway.
June 30, 2012 3:03 am This is great news. I think it would be good if Dustin Nguyen returned to Detective Comics. As for writer, why don't we try Eric Trautmann or Sterling Gates.
June 25, 2012 6:15 pm Sonnenfeld would make into a campy romp like his Men in Black movies. That could be really awful and a huge box office hit all at the same time.
June 13, 2012 11:46 am You know, the problem with all four of these books was simple to identify: VOODOO has lacked a through line in the story since Ron Marz was kicked off. RESURRECTION MAN didn't have consistent internal art or a purpose to the story from the start. CAPTAIN ATOM could have been saved by a new writer being assigned because the book was pretty not engaging at all. And JLI didn't work BECAUSE of Dan Jurgen not inspire of him. Those of us who had enjoyed the Justice League: Generation Lost title wanted a story crafted as well as the one written by Judd Winick. That was not this book. It was as good as most of Dan Jurgen's work is, which was the problem! Batman didn't need to be in it. Guy didn't need to be in it. The running theme through all of these books was poor or uninteresting writing. Maybe DC needs to address that before they replace these titles with stuff that doesn't work any better. I appreciate the fact that they are willing to kill poor selling books, I just wished DC didn't put them out in the first place.
June 8, 2012 6:40 pm A) What is a Nickleback? B) Josh, I agree with you about the marketability of Jim Lee. He is the one person who has a 1970's John Byrne-type of buzz appeal. Lee's a very good artist but he draws in a more traditional style that the majority of readers are familiar with. Also, he's been doing it long enough that his fans reach over multiple generations. He was introduced to readers at a time when there were more of us and comics were much cheaper. Most of his contemporaries never got to the level of fan appeal that Lee did. Moreover, almost everyone else that could challenge him in sales came up during a more recent period and, therefore, haven't had the time to be introduced to a large enough audience. I mean, Lee drew X-Men during one of it's hottest periods!!! Outside of McFarlane's Spider-Man run, no one was as visible as Jim Lee was during the 1990s. It was a combination of his talent and the broad appeal of the characters he drew. What is the hot book or character of 2012? I don't think there is one. Today, we are far more balkanized as an audience. Maybe this issue is impacted by the age range of today's readers. Much of our love of artists as kids wasn't as particular or critical then as it is now. We wanted a story that looked good and presented heroes well. Also, a lot of art that passes for great comic art today is geared for an older, more sophisticated audience. I don't think a 10-year old kid would be as enamored by the art style of Alex Ross or Jock as a 25+ year old reader is. Because comic art styles have become less generic and far more individualistic, artists have developed niche audiences. Finally, I think the price has an impact on artist hotness, too. You can convince yourself any decent artist is worth $1.50 to $1.99. You become a more discerning consumer when the price jumps to $3 or $4. It just isn't the same cost/benefit analysis. Anyway, good topic for discussion. Could we look at discussing storytelling as part of the artist's job sometime soon? I think that could be very enlightening.