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Variant cover by IVAN REIS & OCLAIR ALBERT
Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99
I don’t care what anyone says, this book has been enjoyable throughout its entire run. I cannot wait until the final act plays out over the next few weeks. Who knew this would make Aquaman really relevant again.
Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent
How can you review this before it comes out?
is this a new version of “First”?
dude there’s almost a year left…
@wally There’s only 4 months (or so) left
@gobo –in this age of on demand everything 4 months is like a year! haha no, i just counted issues instead of remembering its bi weekly.
I don’t know but I hope Tomasi is packing more of a punch with what he has planned for Batman & Robin. Brightest Day is worth reading, but it’s always the last book in my stack and sometimes I don’t even read them until I have two or three issues of it all stacked up…
Wait…. when is it slotted to end? how many issues? ! What will I read instead! I’ve loved these.
@ Pozr, he cheats.