
Name: Marvin Moore


Twitter: @fortressnerd


This was terrible. I was hopeful that when the book jumped to present day, the characters would start acting a…

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Fortress_Of_Nerditude's Recent Comments
July 24, 2012 1:08 am I'm pretty sure it's pronounced COKE-ette. Great show, gentlemen. Thanks for taking the time to do these special editions. I really look forward to them after each new comics-based/close-enough movie. Ever since I listened to the X-MEN: FIRST CLASS one on the drive home from seeing it. I've even gone back and caught up on a bunch of older ones.
April 7, 2012 12:14 pm That was INTO the camera. Sorry. Anyway, I'm in the same boat with this book. I've loved bits and pieces but can't love it overall like I want to. I really miss t-shirt & jeans Superman. Also seems like it's way past time to replace Morales with with someone who can deliver monthly. The inconsistent art has been a huge stumbling block. And some of the art has put a giant spotlight on everything That bugs me about the new costume.
April 7, 2012 12:06 pm Agreed on that face when Superman flies IMO the camera. Goddammit.
April 5, 2012 10:29 am @Flash923, I would totally read that book.
March 23, 2012 2:59 pm I apologize for the lack of formatting. I promise there were paragraphs and spacing, but my ipad apparently didn't feel that stuff was necessary.