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Name: Andrew Henry


Drewbacca's Recent Comments
October 28, 2011 10:26 pm Josh, that was one of the most honest and incredible advice letters I've ever read. You should be seriously proud of yourself. I've been in the same position as Natalie, but I have a few friends who are into comics. My problem is that I've got ideas for art that I could tell you finite details about, but I draw like I'm using an electric toothbrush with a fountain-tip on the end. Anywho, well-done, Josh.
September 22, 2011 8:44 pm Did the scariness of Joker's teeth in Batman catch anyone else off guard? I was pretty shocked at how horrifying he looks in that issue. Not that it will deter me from sticking on. I'm sucked in to this book like a beer gut in a wedding photo.
September 21, 2011 10:52 pm Although it's not related to this episode, I just read Dixon's Notch. I live in Maine, and you totally nailed the Maine attitude and dialogue. I had a blast reading it! Great work.
September 21, 2011 5:31 pm I liked it! I didn't mean to come off as not enjoying it. Although, you may be known as Josh "hot-button" Flanagan from now on. Eh, it's a small price to pay for such a great name.
September 21, 2011 5:08 pm This show was so brilliantly executed. You guys were able to take a "hot-button" issue and make light of it without being offensive whatsoever. Seriously, super-classy. Bravo! My girlfriend recently started getting into comics when she got the Whedon Astonishing X-Men trades, and she ironically said to me after reading the first two, "Now I understand why guys love comics so much!" She saw me reading Wonder Woman #1 and Batwoman #1 today, and she looked pretty interested in them, so I'll see if she likes those. Personally, gender (of the character or creation team) plays no factor in me deciding a book, but out of curiosity do you guys have any suggestions for female comics for a beginner? Thanks!