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Name: Cesar Rodriguez


I feel as though I should take a deep breath before starting this review because I must say I am…

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DarkKnightDetective's Recent Comments
June 23, 2012 12:33 am I actually think a lot of DC properties would be better suited to computer animated films instead of live action. Think of The Incredibles, only if it was actually based off a comic. Properties like Metal Men and especially Shazam could bring amazing results if done with a light hearted family friendly tone as opposed to the dark and grim tone that WB seems to want to push on all their films(Im looking at you Man of Steel).
June 14, 2012 6:47 pm Yep, my thoughts exactly. There were way too many things about that book that I just couldnt wrap my head around(also, HOW was Joker released in the first place?!?!) that I've preferred to just erase it from my memory. I think the only people who loved that book were people who loved Nolan version so much they wanted that version in the comics.
June 14, 2012 6:37 pm Am I the only who actually enjoys the Stallone film? I mean lets get something straight, it isn't a smart movie by any means, its not even a great movie, but its just a whole lot of fun. I cant help but enjoy all the excitement, violence, and never quite understanding what the hell Stallone is yelling about in the film. Its a guilty pleasure.
June 13, 2012 6:32 am Good god DC, GET IT TOGETHER! They seem to just keep playing musical chairs with Superman right now. Honestly, I think they are total idiots for removing Paul Cornell. The dude was having so much fun with Lex In Action Comics a year ago and when he finally got to write Superman he was forced into a horrible crossover and then the reboot happened. Anyone who has read Captain Britain knows that he is the perfect writer for an epic sci fi superhero comic that we all want in Superman, I just dont understand why DC hasn't changed this.
June 1, 2012 4:38 pm YOu know, sometimes when I try to think up stories I would tell if I were a writer, I try to come up with ways to do a new spin old villains(seriously, I feel Two-Face has the greatest potential to be the greatest villain ever and NO ONE is tapping into that!) but whenever I thought about Mr Freeze I always came back to thinking that really, Heart of Ice and Sub-zero really wrapped everything up well. After Sub-zero, there really shouldn't be any more Mr Freeze, he's done, that should be the end of it, so where do you take the character from there? I can't say I'm a big fan of this new version, and I totaly agree on the comparison with Captain Cold(dont even get me started on how I dont like what Manapul is doing with the Rogues) but I do admire someone trying something new with the character.
March 9, 2012 4:42 pm Im gonna be in the minority here that this was the first issue of Action Comics so far that I didn;t enjoy. The main reason for that, and this was something that is unavoidable since its a reboot, but I feel like I read this exact same story three years ago by Johns and Frank, only when they did their Brainiac story it was SOO much more compelling. Also, I really dont like the new Brainiac design, it looks silly and lame. Im stanrting to miss the giant green skinned Coluan android version.
February 29, 2012 3:18 pm Hey dudes, thanks for answering my question(sorry I snubbed you Josh), it really helped clear a few things up. Just for the record, when I said I have no desire to write, I wasnt referring to storytelling since that is obviously a crucial part of what I do, but what I meant is that I really dont have any ideas that I think are decent enough for me to try to write as a mini series or something. I'd rather leave that up to someone who's a writer and just let me do the art, and of course, the storytelling.
January 25, 2012 9:41 pm My only experience with Hawkman is the first two or so years of Geoff Johns run and I really grew to love the character in that time. To me he was almost like DC's Wolverine, a straight up rugged bad ass who kicked a lot of heads in. But of course Infinite Crisis mucked everything up and I didnt care anymore, but Ive always had hopes that some talented writer might come onto a Hawkman book and make him awesome again. I didnt even bother reading the new series and it looks like it was for the better, here's hoping for a better tomorrow for Hawkman... and Hawkgirl too.
January 24, 2012 11:38 pm @PsychoJudgeDredd See, we had this same conversation in another thread. Catwoman is not some character that is meant to be oozing sex on every page, if thats your thing then I guess you really must love the new Catwoman book, not to mention that god awful 90's series. If you ask me, THIS is how the character was meant to be, shes sexy no matter what, she doesn't need to be bending over and exposing cleavage or something, it's just inherent to the character(though it probably has a lot to do with the leather and whip). Ed Brubaker really took the best elements of Catwomans entire history and distilled her down to her most pure and definitive portrayal.
January 22, 2012 8:43 pm See, my problem with Catwoman right now isn't the sex in the first issue, in fact I'd find it hard to believe if Selina and Bruce had never done the deed before. My biggest criticism is the way Selina is being portrayed, she used to be a cool and collected professional thief, now she seems like a reckless wisecracking amateur. And I just cant get past the art which is the epitome of cheesecake art where is just tons of cleavage and raunchy imagery on every page. This just isn't the same Catwoman I loved in Ed Brubakers run.