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Name: Scott Ellis

Bio: I've been collecting comics on a weekly basis for A LONG TIME now, I suppose I got into the habit because when I was in elementry school I used to pick up random DC and Marvel comics to try to draw them every now and then. When I turned 13 I got a little more into my writing and drawing habits and WITH THAT started to read comics. Now I have over 400 comics and a good number from the golden, silver, and bronze age that I found at my favorite comic store Heros and VIllians. Comics have made me a better person to, because they teach life lessons and morales. I'm just a laid back comic lover, what more do ya need? TWITTER https://twitter.com/Scott_Ellis_MGS

CrimsonBlur's Recent Comments
October 29, 2012 1:51 pm I'm ok with the fill in artists myself.. SOMETIMES THEIR GOOD! (Like when Marcus To or Scott Kollins fills in for Manapul... I love all 3 artists to death, so I'm happy no matter what in that case)
October 29, 2012 1:30 pm I'm 16 myself.. and have yet to meet anyone less then 20-30 years older then me reading comics. Never seen anyone reading them in public outside a comic shop ether. NOW everyone will tell me about the movies, but "GOD FORBID" they pick up a COMIC! Granted if I force- I MEAN introduce my friends to comics they will read them, and enjoy them, but they will not buy them. My guess even though geeky/nerdy things are popular now... they arent to the point where anyone will be seen with them past movie/show items. I myself got into comics through a love of most art forms (I love books, games, paintings,comics, music, poetry, etc)... plus growing up down the street from a comic shop along with 5 others in less then a 5 mile radius probley helped. I got into comics through Anime/Manga at first, and then started collecting anything, AND I MEAN ANYTHING, with The Flash on it.. from there I gained a collection of comics from just about every publisher, of every age (love vintage comics), of every sort. My comic love is one I have enjoyed alone, but enjoyed it I have.
October 29, 2012 11:16 am Maybe its just me being a younger reader (16)... but I hate the colors they used in alot of comics before the 2000's (sometimes still do for whatever god awful reason). Drawing was great, story was great... but the COLORS ARE SO OUT OF PLACEEEEEE! Red/orange helmet, gold shoulders, light blue chest plate, pink gloves/shins, and a silver finish. I just can't bring myself to understand it.. was there a reason? Ink issue? SOMEONE EXPLAIN! Other then that golden age and silver age comics are AMAZING!
October 29, 2012 11:04 am I liked the episode quite a bit, I can live with the differences from the comic myself.. otherwise I'd know what happens EVERYTIME! (There should be alot more survivors at this point for example in Rick's group... guess they wan't to keep the group small.)
October 29, 2012 11:01 am I agree and disagree with what you're saying. It doesnt make alot of sense, but then again alot of the guys with the Gov. are vets... so it WAS mostly Vets against National Guard (no disrespect to National Guard.. I'm just pretty sure vets win in skill in most areas). A little unrealistic HOW it happened maybe.. but it would have probley happened anyway.
October 26, 2012 1:04 pm You'd hope Flash would find him in time to rush him to a hospital... reattach the arm somehow? Otherwise if Trickster DOES manage to live.... he's going to have to pull a Arsenal/Speedy.
October 26, 2012 1:02 pm @IthoSapien: I agree the art does have an edge over the writing as well, I also love how the art tells the story in Flash as well (Even more so when they do things like add "DC COMICS PRESENTS.... THE FLASH!" into the enviroment ). @jpriester: A comic fan that doesnt love APE WARS? EVEN PHYCIC TALKING GORRILLASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?!??!?!?!? The sad world you live in (lol jk, different strokes for different folks as they say) @Jon Q. Citizen: I love the new Rouges as well, I love that Manapul/Buccellato made it so the Rouges use to still have guns/tech, BUT due to the GR gained real powers....It was easier for me to accept the change knowing they had been the pre-52 versions I loved at some point in the new timeline.
October 23, 2012 7:42 pm I may be a minority.. But I really love the STORY.. AND.. the art. I guess its because I realize all of these cliffhangers and dangling plot points...all have a greater purpose. (Geoff Johns and Snyder do it constantly ....Harper Row anyone?) CAN'T WAIIIIIIIIT FOR GW TO START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 23, 2012 7:32 pm This is going to be cool.. The 0 issue was really intresting... with plenty of clever moments.
October 23, 2012 7:30 pm I didnt take it as saying "All nerdy girls are fake".. but as an example of those who think wearing a Star Wars shirt and likeing "LoL Cats" makes them a nerd/geek. Am I wrong? Probley, but then again I'm a guy.. this gave me no reason to get paranoid/offended.