
Name: Ed Broderick


Brody's Recent Comments
July 1, 2011 2:34 pm Thank you so much for your depiction of continuity as "all the rules about what you shouldn’t do. It is all black and white and right and wrong. It is the adult in the room trying to put everything in order."  I couldn't agree more.
I grew up reading DC, and have pretty much avoided it for years because I have no idea what the back story is.  There are generally so many references to events and characters outside the immediate story in most comics, that whenever I pick up a Superman or a Green Lantern, I'm usually so confused I give up trying.
But I'm reading all of the Flashpoint issues, and am signed up for the first three issues of all the new #1's.  And for the first time in a long time, I'm really excited about comics. 
June 29, 2011 4:48 pm Thank you for the great review.  I have loved Scalped since Issue #1, and have tried without much success to convert other people, to express to them my passion for the book, why I love it so much.  You have said here all the things I wanted to say.  I'm so glad other people get this book.
June 21, 2011 4:16 pm " If DC commits to this new line for at least a few years, we'll be in this really interesting place of discovering this new mythos together, completely free from the binds of legacy, the shackles of continuity.  Each new issue will be a new issue, where our expectations can be left at the door."

I think you're exactly right, and this is just what I'm feeling with each new issue of the Flashpoint line.  I haven't really read superheroes for years, largely because I've lost touch with the continuity and have no knowledge of the current background story for every character.  But with Flashpoint, I don't need it!  And I'm really enjoying the thrill of discovery with each new issue. 
May 13, 2011 4:42 pm Wow, not even a mention of Neil Gaiman?  
April 21, 2011 12:22 pm This is such a great series, and I'm so glad it's being extended.  But -- how did everyone else hear of this, and decide to pick it up?  For me, it was only luck -- I liked the cover and decided to give it a chance.  But I don't do that very often, because I'm usually disappointed.  Which leads me to think that I'm missing a lot of great reads.  So how can I find other great comice like this?
April 21, 2011 12:04 pm I stopped reading this when Paul Dini left.  Am I missing anything?
April 21, 2011 12:02 pm You're not kidding.  I think Milligan took a little while to ramp up, but right now, he's just unstoppable  But it also seems like we (Hellblazer fans) have been lucky lately -- there have been a whole bunch of exceptional runs on this title, for a long time now.