Article Archive

The Best of the Week in Covers – 04.10.2013

And Titus laughed to see such sport…

The Best of the Week in Covers – 11.07.2012

“What’s new, Pussycats? Whoooa-whoaa-whoooah-whoa-whoa!”

Heads Up: Dark Horse Comics Previews – August 2012

Omnibus! Spike! Beasts! Cherubs! Lobster!

Devil’s Advocate: Is Joss Whedon Right For ‘Marvel’s The Avengers’?

For all his cult appeal, is Whedon right to direct the lynchpin of Marvel’s movie line? An admitted fan takes a look from the other side.

The Best of the Week in Covers – 02.08.2012

Chained heat!

iFanboy’s Best of 2011: The Best of Women in Comics

It may have been a controversial year for women in comics, but Ali’s still counting down her favorite female characters and comics from 2011.

The Best of the Week in Covers – 11.09.2011

Covers that would make even a dolphin cry. Out of love.

Zen and the Art of Comic Book Reboots

With DC’s New 52 and the “Star Wars” Blu Rays coming out at the same time, it’s interesting to notice just how differently fans react to change.

The Best of the Week in Panels – 09.14.2011

Who’s got the best panels? Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Season 9 #1, John Carter: A Princess of Mars #1, Batwoman #1, New Avengers #16, Black Panther #523 and Green Lantern #1, Suicide Squad #1, Daredevil #3, & 27 Second Set #1. That’s who!