Review by: Zenogaias84

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Avg Rating: 3.7
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Size: pages
Price: 3.99

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Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. Nice review.  I didn’t pick up on the silver age foul language, but now I’m bothered by it as well.  I agree that there was frustratingly little advancement of the story here.  The art was spectacular though, which sort of made up for it. 

  2. Re: the swearing — these aren’t like Earth-2 counterparts or anything. These aren’t heroes from some alternate "Silver Age." And they’re not even really Silver Age, if you want to get technical.


    But my point: If Hawkeye NOW swears, then Hawkeye of five years ago would also swear. So whether real or Skrull, these are all "modern" takes on the characters — the crashed ship ones are just from a couple of years ago (Marvel Time)…

  3. Jewel is not really a silver age hero anyway.. Jessica Jones swears, thats who she is.

  4. Good Vista joke. I agree that notifications of armor failure do not need to come every panel or two – it’s just distracting. But as daccampo notes, these heroes are far from Silver Age. They appear to be classic early ’80’s Marvel, which for us old folks was a superb era, and one with coarse language.

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