Review by: SilverAgeTom

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Avg Rating: 4.5
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Price: 3.95

Never have I enjoyed the composition of a comic this much and disliked the content. I think Meleev’s art is outstanding and the layouts are wonderfully composed. In fact, I haven’t been this in love with sequential art since the Batwoman stuff of Detective Comics with JH Williams. Not to mention the splatters of color that make this such a unique and good looking book.

That being said, I didn’t really like the dialog to the reader in the first issue and it’s really not growing on me. That sort of aside narration works well in film, TV and theater because of the audio component. In the comic it was an interesting choice, but in the end I don’t think it’s any more effective than narration boxes that address the reader. The second problem I have with this comic is the main character. I find her abrasive and I can’t really get behind her vengeance. I think she’s less of a fully formed person and more of a pile of indie-punk hipness and one-liners

I know the buzz on this comic is really hot and to a certain extent I can see why people love it. I just think that after this issue this book is not for me. I want to love this book. I really do. I think this is a flashy, style-over-substance book that has great parts, but doesn’t grab me on the whole.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I agree.  Perhaps Bendis is trying too hard with Scarlet because I can SEE what he’s trying to do here.  And, good art should appear effortless. 

  2. Dropped.

  3. Hello Brian,

     I’m glad you agreed to meet me here.  I know things have been feeling strange between us lately.  I just want to let you know that I think you’re a wonderful writer and Torso and that those first arcs of Powers are amazing and I’ll never forget them.  But… as I.. well, Look its me Brian, I think I’ve changed.  I need different things and I’m not sure if its right ifwe trying to re-capture things.  Its just not the same.

    What, no I don’t think just reading your Avengers books would make a difference.  I think its best if we just stop seeing each other for a while.  Congrats on the TV deal and I hope you find what you’re looking for.

    See ya…

  4. I read it and LOVE this issue.

    Book gets better and better so far..

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