Review by: Lukeozade100

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Story by Brian K. Vaughan
Art by Fiona Staples
Cover by Fiona Staples

Size: 22 pages
Price: 2.99

OK, first of all, this reviews gonna have spoilers, I just haven’t tagged it ’cause when i do the formatting tends to go wonky.

Anyhow, how about that first page, I laughed for about a minute at that first page, just how much would some alien/human have to like legs for those gals to be the people you go to a Red Light Planet for. So Vaughan had me from the go, not that he didn’t have me from years ago, but you know, I hope that people who aren’t reading this picked it up in the shop and bought it just through amusement from the opening page.

Secondly, lying cat, God that’s just the best creation, it’s so simple but works so well, it’s exactly the sort of thing that I think everyone who’s ever written a story even for fun hits their head and goes, shit, why didn’t I think of that. You could make a whole little picture book that sells at bookstore checkouts with lying cat just calling people out on stuff.

And then we get a hella lot of strange whores, but I think the humour that opened the book made the gratuity found further in just massively more acceptable, I have no qualms with seeing a lesbian angel orgy in a comic but I imagine a few people might take offence at that. And if you do just imagine what must have ran through Fiona Staples head when she get’s a script that must have gone ‘Panel 2- Most of the page- the will walks down a staircase whilst surrounded by a lesbian angel orgy.’ Unless Vaughan just gave her some free reign here, anyhow I would love to read a transcript of the two of them discussing this issue. But Staples knocks it out of the park again, I am really digging her art.

I loved Hazel calling The Will a fucking monster as he’s rescuing a child prostitute, frankly every time there’s something that has been written with an eye to it could get a bit of a laugh I loved in this book, but.

But I dunno how I felt about Marko and Alana in this issue, the resolution was just a bit easy, i’m sure it’ll lead to adventures later but after that splash at the end of last issue I guess maybe I would have liked a little more, and the splash at the end of this issue didn’t hit me as others had, like this comic was gonna run for 100 issues and Marko would never unsheath that sword, maybe if it had gone 60 and then he unsheathed it you’d be a bit like ‘Shit bro, now you know things are going down’ but 4 issues in it isn’t really hitting me, i’m not invested enough in Marko as this pacifist guy yet, although I am pretty excited for spells next week, the spells have been pretty fun so far.

Still this is clearly one of the best books out there, and about 3/4s into the book I realised that I wished i’d been born today, and then in fifteen years I could discover this and it ends after something like 150 issues and I just pretend to my parents i’m ill so I can have a couple of days off school and i’d just gorge myself on it, monthly is a bitch.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. ‘Shit bro, now you know things are going down’ LOL
    But I agree with your point there. A little more time before breaking that vow would have made a greater impact.
    Fun review and awesome series so far.

  2. Great review. We’ll have to see in the next issue if Marko really does end up drawing his sword.

  3. Yeah, there’s always the chance he doesn’t end up fighting, so then this becomes more of a tease throughout the series…? I did like that he broke the chain already though. As a father, it seemed very relatable. You have all these lofty goals & morals for yourself, but the moment your kid is in danger, that all just goes out the window.

    Great review here. The dicotomy of The Will is gonna be fun to watch play out.

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