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Art by Fiona Staples
Cover by Fiona Staples
Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99
I’ve been infected by the BKV!!! Hopefully Fiona is the antidote because the art and the story is so good. I love the universe that this title is creating. The standoff at the end was so great. The desperation and steely resolve was so empathetic that you feel like you want to jump into the panel and start taking potshots at the freelancer. If you haven’t picked this book up get off your ass and get to the store right now because you are really missing something great. You stupid git.
Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent
Is this on par with the first issue? Because the first issue was great!
I had my hopes built up so high after the first issue that this one kind of let me down…. just a little. I am sure BKV is building up the story for things to come but for being probably the most optimistic person I know on this series I expected more.
Excellent book but accidentally gave it a rating of a 2 instead of a 5.
Also who is the supporting character that you are most looking forward to finding out about and why?. Mines the Will