Review by: daccampo

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I’m not a Punisher fan.

I’m not a Punisher fan, but dammit, I liked this book.

Punisher’s one of those hard-sell characters for me. It’s a cool enough basic concept, but I just feel like once you’ve read a few stories… that’s really it. So, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep this up, but I totally admit that Rick Remender has me intrigued with his take on Frank Castle. He’s really using the Dark Reign umbrella to give Frank an interesting new status quo (in fact, so far, many of the Dark Reign books have impressed me with their use of the new setting).

In this issue, we begin to see a plan being formed. Frank’s new buddy (can’t recall the name and don’t have the issue with me) is a jacked-in conspiracy buff who has been following current events and realizes that something is not right. So, he decides to enlist the Punisher in his crusade. And the two enact a plan that’s pretty unique and different, while totally fitting into the Punisher’s MO.

I’m not sure if I’ll tire of this version of the Punisher. I’ve ALWAYS dropped every Punisher book I’ve tried. In fact, I don’t even WANT to be reading a Punisher book. But right now, Remender’s got me interested. This is a pretty original take and an interesting gambit for the Punisher.

Also: I have to note that the artwork for Jerome Opena is fantastic. I really like the sketchier linework that Opena’s brought to this series. Very gritty — perfect for a Punisher book.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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