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Variant cover by KEVIN MAGUIRE
Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99
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Ok, I loved about 90% of this book. No doubt about it, it was a lot of fun. I've got one sticking point for me though, and it involved how Power Girl finally was freed from Max Lord's mind control. Have we EVER seen any indication that a person in a lot of pain can be freed from Max's power? Have we never seen a person under Max's control suffer any pain before? This feels like it was made up on the spur of the moment just for this issue, and to make matters worse they telegraph the ending right from the beginning scene with Blue Beetle.
I still enjoyed reading this issue a lot but that little bit just got under my skin a little.
Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good
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