Review by: gentlesatirist
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Art and cover by JIM LEE and SCOTT WILLIAMS
Variant cover by ERIC BASALDUA
B&W Variant cover by JIM LEE
Size: 40 pages
Price: 3.99
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Wasnt too thrilled with this issue. Art remained worthy of DC's flagship book, but story lagged. Whole sequence where (spoiler!) Batman revealed his secret identity to Green Lantern seemed out of place since, in the context of the story, they barely knew each other. Really seemed out of character. Johns also seems to be having a hard time juggling the characters here, which is odd, since he's handled larger casts in the past.
Story: 2 - Average
Art: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good
I love ya an all Geoff, but, have you read much Batman ever??
Gotta agree. Story felt weak… but the art was awesome. And at least Darkseid was actually a physical threat. Seems like he’s generally just the big guy plotting from the shadows. He should get his hands dirty every now and again… if only to remind everyone why he rules an entire world.
I actually really liked the bit with Batman and GL. I thought, given the situation, that seemed a reasonable thing for Batman to do – and if it might be a little out of character with Batman in general, it pays to remember that this is a relatively young Batman, new to the superhero game.
Bruce doesn’t don the cowl to protect his loved ones, like many heroes. He does it to strike fear, to produce an image and send a message. Clearly he wasn’t frightening GL with it. He has nothing to lose – at least not that Darkseid doesn’t already endanger more than GL could.