Review by: ComicBookGuy37
By John Byrne

Size: 32 pages
Price: 3.99

John Byrne was once a premiere creator; his Marvel and DC work, at least throughout the 1980s, lives in legend as some of the greatest comic work of all time. Then, in the ‘90s, he lost it. And no matter how much he struggles, he can’t seem to claw back his success; but whereas his X-Men co-collaborator, Chris Claremont seems to have embraced his current Z-List creator status and churns out books that are, if nothing else, entertaining, Byrne cannot make anything work well. His Angel books have been weak and ugly, and this return to his Next Men series is an absolute travesty of a comic book; bad writing, average artwork and the sense that Byrne has finally abandoned all concepts of dignity. This should be avoided at all costs; for good Byrne work, head back into the Marvel vaults and pick up his X-Men issues.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 3 - Good

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