Review by: darkbunny

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Avg Rating: 3.6
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Price: 2.99

In this issue Ollie is still on the path to discover who has abducted his son Conner.  This issue however was a bit of a let down.  It was always exciting, having action, stirring dialog and emotion, and while it might be over the top in some cases, it was always fun and each one ending so that you can’t wait for the next.

This issue on the other hand started out silly, which may have set the tone for the rest of the book, but instead of building up excitement to the reveal at the end it just seemed like filler that got even sillier at points (clowns, bunny suits, and goats silly).  Speedy was given a bit more of a role which was nice to see she has something like a personality.  The humor seemed to miss in relation to how one might expect Ollie act given what is on the line.

The art contributed to the let down feeling.  It was very much draw in the style of Cliff Chiang, but where as his art on the book has been clean giving it an animated feel, Norton’s art left it looking plain and flat.  The style might improve over the next issues, but it would almost be better to have something completely different than Chiang minus art after having him on the book.

If you didn’t like the book before this definitely isn’t going to change your mind,  but despite all of this it was still an okay comic, just a huge let down from what had been an outstanding comic before.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 2 - Average


  1. Flat is the perfect word to describe the art.

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