Review by: DyslexicDan

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Avg Rating: 3.9
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Price: 3.99

I was originally going to pass on Frank
Frazetta’s Creatures but thank god I didn’t. This was, in a nut shell, Fear
Agent meets B.P.R.D in the early 1900’s and it was AMAZING! President Theodore Roosevelt,
author Eder Rice Burroughs, and the “Dark Riders,” an established top-secret
regiment of experts who deal with paranormal threats, are on an investigation that
begins with a fight with a giant Mayan snake god and ends with an invasion from
Mars. It’s one of the most ludicrous comic I have read and I can’t imagine
anyone better then Rick Remender to write it.

This is Image’s third installment
of their Frank Frazetta tribute series, fallowing the six -part Death Dealer mini
and the Swamp Demon one-shot, and it easily out does them both. It saddens me
to think this is as far as this installment will probably go. Image nailed it
with this one and they should have made it a four part mini like the fallowing
installments in this series will be.

This was a magnificent tribute to
the comic legend Frank Frazetta and it is a perfect representation of what the
quality of science fiction comics should be. You don’t need to be a fan of
Remender’s work or a Frank Frazetta enthusiast to enjoy this. Go pick this one

I was originally going to pass on Frank
Frazetta’s Creatures but thank god I didn’t. This was, in a nut shell, Fear
Agent meets B.P.R.D in the early 1900’s and it was AMAZING! President Theodore Roosevelt,
author Eder Rice Burroughs, and the “Dark Riders,” an established top-secret
regiment of experts who deal with paranormal threats, are on an investigation that
begins with a fight with a giant Mayan snake god and ends with an invasion from
Mars. It’s one of the most ludicrous comic I have read and I can’t imagine
anyone better then Rick Remender to write it.

This is Image’s third installment
of their Frank Frazetta tribute series, fallowing the six -part Death Dealer mini
and the Swamp Demon one-shot, and it easily out does them both. It saddens me
to think this is as far as this installment will probably go. Image nailed it
with this one and they should have made it a four part mini like the fallowing
installments in this series will be.

This was a magnificent tribute to
the comic legend Frank Frazetta and it is a perfect representation of what the
quality of science fiction comics should be. You don’t need to be a fan of
Remender’s work or a Frank Frazetta enthusiast to enjoy this. Go pick this one

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Damn right!

  2. TOTALLY Damn Right!

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