Review by: ultimatehoratio

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Avg Rating: 4.2
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Price: 3.99

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Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I realize Prime’s beyond the point of redemption, but this is a more interesting tactic than what we’ve seen yet considering his history. It’s going to be the ‘prime’ reason I carry on with this series because I’m far from ga-ga over the Legion.  

  2. Superman wanting to kill someone would be way out of character.  At his core he believes everyone has a capacity for good (that’s why he just does’nt fry Luthor with his heat vision).  But I do agree he acts too much like a wuss sometimes.

  3. Are we now at the point as a society that not murdering someone is considered wussy?

  4. I liked this issue, and it had some excellent nods to those that read the Legion storyline in Action Comics.  I’m not worried about getting confused.  If there’s anyone who can handle massive amounts of people fighting, it’s Johns.  After this setup issue, I think we’re in for some serious awesomeness.

  5. There’s a point that it becomes practical.  It’s not that he doesn’t want to kill him, but Johns makes it a point for Superman to say, "we’ve got to stop him, but we can’t kill him!"  To say something like that at a time like that is the utmost in bleeding heart wussiness.

  6. @Conor-  My wuss comment had nothing to do with his lack of killing.  If I thought that, I would have to call Batman a wuss (which he is not).  But I think a normal person in that situation would want knock Prime’s lights out, and Superman did’nt seem to have a normal reaction to finding out 20,000 people were just slaughtered for no reason,  but I guess that’s why he’s Superman he does’nt react like a normal person.  But that is an example of why people can’t relate to him because I think most people would want to make sure Prime got his.

  7. Superman’s comment should have been something like, "I hope it doesn’t have to come to that."  What he says instead sets the reader up to believe that this is going to be another Geoff John’s retcon story.  I hope it’s not.

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