Review by: kellansmith
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Art by Michael Wm Kaluta, Ryan Bodenheim & Simon Bisley
Colors by Chris Sotomayor, Tony Avina & Simon Bisley
Letters by Nate Piekos
Cover by Michael Wm Kaluta
Size: pages
Price: 2.99
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I picked this up because I had a light week and because Kaluta was doing the art. His art is definitely the best part of this book. I enjoyed the story. It's nothing amazing, just getting the characters together, but I liked the way it was executed.
I enjoyed how the way they used the three different artists made sense. The scenes that Kaluta drew have a heightened sense of fear. I liked Ryan Bodenheim's art the least and he got the duty of the scenes without fear as major force. Simon Bisley takes over at the end of the issue doing twisted versions of each of the main characters to reflect that the fear has reached a whole new level beyond what is happening in the scenes that Kuluta drew.
The opening scene, drawn by Kaluta, begins as a typical horror with a monster (Man-Thing) attacking some teenagers testing their sexual boundaries. Then things calm down as Ryan Bodenheim takes over and lets us know that She-Hulk and Howard the Duck are going to try and stop Man-Thing since the heightened level of fear is increasing the Man-Thing's powers to a dangerous level. Then it switches back to Kaluta and a scene in which Nighthawk learns to use fear as a tool in the fight against crime. Next we go back to Bodenheim as Nightwing, She-Hulk, and Howard the Duck meet Frankenstein as a mob of people is surrounding Frankenstein. Then the Man-Thing shows up and Bisley takes over and does a great job of using the art to set the stakes of the story. The Man-Thing can control reality and the fear is feeding his power so the heroes have to stop him at any cost.
I'm excited to see how they split up the art duties as the series progresses (more Kaluta please) and the story was good enough that I'm on board for three more issues.
Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good
This series was awful. If you’re reading Fear Itself, skip this mini. It has no bearing on the overall story, and it’s just plain bad.