Review by: lukehopkins
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Art by Mark Bagley & Mark Farmer
Colors by Paul Mounts
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Mark Bagley, Mark Farmer, Paul Mounts, Dave Johnson, Joe Quesada, Danny Miki, Richard Isanove, & Skottie Young
Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99
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It wasn't bad, but it felt soulless. Compared to what came before in the Hickman era. The thing about sci fi, is that it thrives on new ideas and places. Good sci fi contains ideas you've never thought of before and that's what makes it so much fun and why hickmans run was so entertaining. He packed it with strange new worlds, concepts and people.
So far fraction hasn't done that, dinosaurs we've seen before, Ben and the yancy gang -seen before, Franklin freaked out about the future-seen before. A persons powers failing -seen before.
Also mom bots? Creepy, no one would do that to their kid.
Also the dialog was clunky, ( he needs to read his stuff out loud to himself after he writes it)
He's coasting on hickmans greatness. Boo I say. Boo.
Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good
Wow this is an extremely harsh review. You sound like you weren’t going to give this a fair shout no matter what happened in the issue. It’s the first issue, let let the man build his story.