Review by: throughthebrush

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Avg Rating: 4.1
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Art and wraparound cover by TONY HARRIS
Variant cover by JIM LEE

Size: 32 pages
Price: 4.99

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Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. I liked it more than you did, though I don’t disagree with any of your points.  I think the opening and its meta wasn’t really necessary.  But overall it worked for  me and what I saw in the issue overall was was more like "I started the book with the premise that working within the political system has a day to day value that superheroics don’t, but on the flipside, it doesn’t have the kind of satisfying victory moments and the final result is compromise that’s not going to be completely satisfying and may actual destroy what you thought you were working for."  That’s not necessarily uplifting but I thought it fit the book.

    As far as the politics, this actually answered for me whether the book’s politics were supposed to be the same as Hundred’s (they weren’t; I thought it was obvious Vaughan would have wanted him to make different choices as to who he teamed up with).  Though I didn’t see it as ‘he’s an alternate universe Sarah Palin," because the conversation with McCain implied that there was a health care bill happening in this world, too, and so I took as, for whatever reason, Hundred had a moderating influence on politics overall.  I do wonder how much he had to scramble for this ending, because even if he says he had it planned, he couldn’t have without knowing who was going to win the 2008 election.  I hope he’ll eventually talk about the ending he did have in mind.  

    Meanwhile — Bradbury!  Kremlin!  *sob* 

  2. Oh, yeah, I don’t think the politics were always the book’s politics — there were just one or two moments (comparing fortune tellers to rapists) that rubbed me the wrong way earlier on in terms of their portrayal.  But overall I really did appreciated Vaughan’s ability to convincingly show different perspectives, especially those different from his own.

    And I won’t lie, I might have liked this book 125315321513 times more if it weren’t for the Bradbury part.  He was my favorite character, and I’d rather have seen him killed off than reduced to a broken, wifebeating drunk with self-loathing issues.

  3. In my head, that’s just the last moment Mitchell sees Bradbury, but then he totally gets to go have his own story.  It fits with the meta about endings.  But yeah, emotionally (and also in terms of storytelling) I could have dealt with a better outcome for him.  At least Wylie got a good ending?

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