Review by: Metamorphic

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Avg Rating: 3.8
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Written by China Mieville
Art by Riccardo Burchielli
Cover by Brian Bolland

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

I’ve been enjoying Dial H but I have to say this is the best issue so far.

That’s because China Mievelle has crafted a skillful done in one that has far reaching implications. Yet it provides a solid jumping on point for new readers. Mievelle gives a glimpse into the history of the dial, how it works and what the implications of using it might be, at the same time, the story still manages to preserve and deepen other mysteries surround the dial. That’s the kind of work that hooks a reader in, and Mievelle had me hooked.

The art by Burchielli really captures the nuances of things, with good facial expressions, use of shadow but most importantly, a solid sense of storytelling. Really lovely work.

If you’re a fan of this series, it’s a very rewarding read. If you’re new, it might be the issue that brings you on board. I say give it a try. It’s not what you expect.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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