Review by: Creyes247

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Avg Rating: 3.8
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Written by China Mieville
Art by Riccardo Burchielli
Cover by Brian Bolland

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

This title in general has been a roller coaster ride, and by that we mean a hit and miss. Lets be honest the first 2 issues were fantastic, they were the perfect example of how writing and art should complement one another, but as the book progressed, it digressed at the same time, one issue the story would be to die for, but the art wouldn’t be quite there and vise versa. Unfortunately, this zero issue happens to fall in that same category. As we get a deeper and more detailed look into the true extent of the Dial’s powers, we also get to know the price one pays or the “exchange” one must be willing to sacrifice in order to tap into that great mysterious force that intertwines with everything. Although the art left a lot to be desired, the story on this issue was pretty solid, making this book a pretty good read in general.

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Story: 3 - Good
Art: 2 - Average

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