Review by: The Mike

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Avg Rating: 3.9
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Writer : Grant Morrison
Artist : Rick Bryant

Size: 20 pages
Price: 3.99

Warning: (Very vague) spoilers!

It’s both exciting and kind of sad that, with only a hand-full of issues left, Morrison is FINALLY bringing his A-game to this comic once more.

It hasn’t been entirely his fault mind you, his first few issues were as good as anything else the new 52 had to offer (including Scott Snyder’s incredible Batman run), but it was really thrown off the rails by a poorly timed crossover with the main Superman book. “Crossover” is actually a kind word for it, it was more like a take-over actually. For two issues we had to sit through events that seemingly had nothing to do with anything; basically, the over-arching narrative hit a brick wall and it has seemed to be reeling from that collision ever since.

If things keep up like this though, all is forgiven. This is what I was hoping for from a Morrison Superman book: Superman using his powers in ways that are as unorthodox as they are completely awesome, the surprise appearance of classic golden age characters, and plot twists that no other writer is insane enough to come up with. And then there’s super-powered beings throwing cars at each other. In other words, it’s about as perfect storywise as any issue of a Superman comic can get.

The art here is also good, but I’d be lying if I said it grabbed me as much as the art in some of my favorite books. Though the facial expressions are impressive and the action scenes look hard-hitting enough, each panel isn’t so nuance-filled that you’ll be ogling them long after you’ve read the accompanying dialogue. Also, as I said, they introduce a classic character here which I’m extremely excited about, but his design is about as boring as it could possibly be for this particular character…

If you gave up on this comic because of the meandering storyline, it’s time to come back. Action Comics is back on the right track, and trust me, it’s can only get better (and crazier- Morrison and this new character are a match made in crazy-person heaven) from here.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. Great review, I totally agree with your opening statement.

  2. Is this the start of a new arc or should I pick up some issues before this one?

    • Next issue is the start of a new arc, this is the end of the current one.

    • Ohhh, worth picking up the previous issues of the arc then?

    • I don’t know…like I said the plot has been pretty meandering, and I can’t say I was really looking forward to this one when I read it. It surprised the hell out of me how great this one was. I would say it’s a strong enough end to the story that issues 10 and 11 are now worth buying.

  3. Thank you for this review. I couldn’t agree more. It is fair to say that this is the action comics I wanted.

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