Pick of the Week

August 18, 2009 – Daredevil #500

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Avg Rating: 4.5
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 26.4%
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Size: pages
Price: 4.99

iFanboy confession time: For about half of my comic book reading life, I never really liked Daredevil. I don’t know why, but when I was reading comics in the 1990s, I just never really cared for him as a character. He just came off as a boring re-hash of a street level character. Now mind you, I was up to my ears in X-books and Image books and I had yet to discover the genius of Frank Miller on Daredevil. I was young and stupid and just dismissed the character completely. Given the time period, would you blame me? I mean come on. You remember the Armored Daredevil right? Not a good time for Matt Murdock. I’m not alone in the fact that it took Kevin Smith to get me into Daredevil. When the director of some of my favorite movies at the time took the writing chores, along with Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti on art, and relaunched the Daredevil title, I started buying. I vaguely knew his history of the never ending battle with Bullseye and filled in the the blanks as the series went along. Then Kevin Smith’s run on the book ended and for some reason, I kept on reading. I don’t know why. Bendis probably helped, but I can’t tell you why I didn’t drop the book. It stayed on my pull list and now here we are, over 10 years later and I can safely say that Daredevil is probably one of my favorite titles and one of the most important titles of the decade, to me at least.

I think one of the reasons why I like Daredevil now is that he’s the hero that could. He’s not as much of a commonly known character as Spider-Man or the Fantastic Four or Captain America. He is pretty much the definition of street level for Marvel. But there’s something about how he perseveres, he endures, he survives and I can respect that. Marketing stunts aside, surviving 500 issues (no matter how you count) is no easy feat.

But that’s enough pontificating about Daredevil the character. What makes this issue, issue #500, so special? Well, a few things. First off, it came out! A few weeks ago the question, “Where’s the next issue of Daredevil?” was followed by laughter and a discussion on how the book has suffered a bit in the last arc by writer Ed Brubaker, meandering a bit and was taking forever to come out. With issue #500, I can clearly see what the delay was: an issue with more pages than I can count, being lead by Brubaker’s last story on the title and the conclusion of the Kingpin’s return storyline.

How did I know this was going to be the Pick? About 10 pages into it I completely forgot about the delays, the criticisms of the title over the past year and was just completely captured by the story. As the climax inched closer and closer, Brubaker lead us down a path of flashback sand scene changes that finally made all the pieces click into place. The story of the Kingpin’s return, the mysterious sensei Izo, Lady Bullseye and the Hand, and my god… Milla, Matt Murdock’s poor disabled wife, even Milla gets wrapped up in this one issue. And by wrapped up, I don’t mean it’s done in a rushed manner to get the hell off the book. No, Brubaker kept every open plot thread and re-stitched it in such a logical and meaningful way, it completely erased any negative thought I’ve had about Daredevil over the past year. We loved the way Bendis handed off Daredevil to Brubaker, with Matt in jail and while they way Brubaker hands the character off to Andy Diggle is interesting, it’s not as shocking as that previous hand off, but it’s dramatic and unexpected in it’s own right in the same way where all I can think about is, “Where does Diggle go from here?” and apparently that’s how you end your run on Daredevil now, and as a reader, that’s okay by me.

Art wise, it doesn’t get any better than the work of Michael Lark and Stefano Gaudiano, but to throw in sequences by Klaus Janson, Chris Samnee and Paul Azaceta just makes this extra long story that much better. It’s amazing how the visual look of Daredevil over the past 8 years or so has been defined so clearly and maintained by the artists who have had the opportunity to work on the character. Visually, Daredevil will go down as one of my favorites and it’s great to see to see that continue into this last issue.

When it come to the cover price and 70th anniversary gimmick of renumbering and packing in extras to the issue, I’m not going to complain. I’m a purist when it comes to numbering, so I’m happy to see it back to the original numbering after this issue. For $4.99 the amount of content is well worth it. Not only did we get the fantastic conclusion to the Brubaker run, but so much more. There’s an extended preview of Diggle’s first issue in #501 (Note that I’m not discussing Billy Tan’s art, because if you don’t have anything nice to say… and the issue isn’t even out yet! So he gets a pass for now).  There’s a FANTASTIC back up story by Ann Nocenti (who is woefully underrated for her importance to the legacy of Daredevil) and David Aja which was a great story along with some stunning art. There’s a great pinup gallery with some excellent artists we know (Maleev, Quesada, David Mack, John Romita Sr., Geof Darrow, and even Bendis!) and some I’ve never seen before (Who the hell is Rafael Grampa’ and when will I see him on a book? Now please?!). We also get a reprint of Daredevil #191, one of, if not the finest issue that Frank Miller wrote and drew. People complain about the old reprints in these gimmick issues, but if anyone complains about getting a Frank Miller Daredevil, then they’re nuts. That’s a gift you ask me. Finally we get the trademarked Marvel cover gallery that has the covers so small you can’t actually enjoy them. Still, regardless of the cover gallery, for five bucks, I’m satisfied with the amount of great Daredevil content I got.

I can’t tell you what will come of Daredevil in the future, if I’ll stick around for Diggle and Tan’s run on the title, but if I were to stop collecting the title now, I wouldn’t have any regrets.  Going from Smith/Quesada to Bendis/Maleev to Brubaker/Lark has been an outstanding way to spend 10 years. I can’t believe that I have read Daredevil for a decade! Ed Brubaker went out on a true high note with this issue. I tip my cap to the entire team on this issue, Brubaker, Lark, Gaudiano along with the excellent colors of Matt Hollingsworth and the always perfect letters of Chris Eliopoulos. For whatever reason, the comic book gods have looked down on Daredevil and blessed the book with amazing talent and as a reader, I’m petty stoked to have been involved by enjoying the final product. I can’t think of a finer way to close out than with Daredevil #500, and I have a feeling that, as he always does, Daredevil will persevere.

Ron Richards
I think I harbor secret crush on Ann Nocenti.


  1. I only read the first line of this so as not to spoil it, but I want to punch you in the face for not liking DD.

     I’ll read the rest later and probably not feel the same way… If you’re lucky! hahaha! J/K. I heart you.

  2. I did my best not to spoil it! I didn’t give away the ending! I like DD, don’t punch me.

    Besides, you got the bitchin’ variant covers.  Still drooling over that Darrow cover.  Lucky bastard- happy birthday!

  3. Great review,  Lark killed on this issue. Reading this issue was extremely strange to me because the first single issue I ever bought of a comic was Brubaker’s start on Daredevil.

    Also Tan is only doing the List one-shot and Roberto De La Torre will be the regular one shot.

  4. Sweet pick!!  It was mine as well.  I, too, was upset with the delays until I actually started reading.  Damn fine book that kept me hooked the whole time.  Though I would say, for me, that the place Daredevil is at now is waaaay more shocking then where Bendis left him.  I had no plans to stay on the book after this arc, but I really want to see what Diggle does with the character.

    Oh, and MeanOldPig beat me to it.  Tan for the one-shot, De La Torre for the ongoing.

  5. Whew – thanks for the correction and the sigh of relief

  6. I have to say out of all of Marvels big number books(ASM and Incredible Hulk) this was the MOST satisfying. I have recently dropped all Marvel books for various reasons but I just couldn’t drop Daredevil. I can hardly wait to see what Diggle has up his sleeve for Matt Murdock and us.

  7. Before I left work today, I was trying to post the tweet: "I didn’t realize I missed Ann Nocenti until now." I’m glad you mentioned her story, Ron. It was surprisingly good. We need more comics work from Nocenti!

    Haven’t finished my books yet, but DD is definitely in the running.  


  8. i read all the backup material in store, but I couldn’t read the main, as I’m not yet caught up. 🙁

  9. Wrong!

    The true pick was Spider-Woman #1.

    EPIC FAIL!!!

  10. Haven’t read many of my books yet, but great review!

  11. Great review Ron!

    1. I’ve been reading DD for almost 3 decades now (holy fucking shit, happy birthday grandpa!)  and I gotta say this issue is right up there with some of the greatest. I really enjoyed Bru’s run and I’m excited to see where Diggle is gonna go with it. 

    2. You are in no danger of getting punched in the face from me.

    3. My Darrow cover is the greatest thing ever. You are welcome to look at it anytime. 

    4.  I like how "KickAss" (hahaha! RIGHT…) says your opinion is wrong. How you guys and gals put up with these people is beyong me.

    5. Ann Nocenti never gets enough credit for what she did with DD.

    6. I like making numbered lists from work at 2:30 in the morning.

    7. Kevin Smith was awesome on DD too.

    8. Goodnight.



  12. O_o… it’s priced for $100.00 on http://www.dynamicforces.com/htmlfiles/c-Misc.html wtf…

    Yeah… I mostly mooch off a friend’s Dare Devil in order to loosely keep up with whatever depressing thing Matt Murdock does to himself. I can see the appeal with this storyline I just suppose it’s not for me. Kinda like how I despise all things Gambit (even in the video games).

  13. Ron, I really enjoyed this review. I haven’t read a daredevil comic in over a year, but your writing makes me want to go out and give issue 500 a shot. Excellent job on the article.

  14. I opened up the book, saw ALL the reprint content (That I already own) and I did a quick new content vs. $$$ amount…. and the book went back on the shelf.  Too much reprinted material for me to pull the trigger on this one.


    the Tiki 

  15. @Chunk – Please don’t go after the other posters, and we won’t let them go after you.

    People who start up with fightin’ words are gonna get deleted.  That’s your warning.

  16. Daredevil has always been one of my favorite characters, but I haven’t enjoyed an issue of his solo title in a long, long time.  The issues I have read have been consistently depressing and I don’t particularly enjoy the combination of Lark’s art with Marvel’s coloring.  It makes me feel like I have cataracts.  Therefore, I didn’t buy this issue.  Your review has convinced me to go flip through it at my LCS and consider buying it.  Well done.

  17. Josh is a comedy goalie. You deleted good “truffle shuffle” humor, man.

  18. By the way, I hope agreeing with KickAss doesn’t constitute “fighting words.” Ron’s pick of Daredevil sounds really interesting, but I have to applaud KickAss for offering a unique opinion.

  19. I’m trying to avoid name calling which leads to fighting, which messes up my website. You can agree with whoever you want. Opinions are welcome.

  20. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Does anyone else find it kind of suspicious that the numbers on all these big anniversary issues always end in two zeros?  

  21. I assumed KickAss’s over the top "EPIC FAIL" comment was sarcasm. Or maybe he wrote something else.

    I’m glad the readers of DD 500 enjoyed it. I got bored with the series a while ago and am sort of happy to see Brubaker go so we can hopefully get a different take on the character. And Lark’s work on this has seemed stale to me for a year, probably because I’ve seen it so much. I’m tired of anything that resembles "noir". Good review, though, Ron. I never liked Daredevil until I happened to find issue 181 in a bargin bin in 1995 or so.

    Nocenti is definitely underrated. I’m reading the old Longshot miniseries from ’85. I think it was like her first Marvel comic, but it’s got really developed and interesting ideas and oblique social criticism.

  22. I gave up DD a while ago..was getting so boring and repetitive.  Looks like I will go back and pick this one up with this glowing review.  Looked at Ron’s list..no BN:Superman, Powergirl or Batgirl..which were all contenders for pick of the week in my book.  Can’t fault him for not picking what he doesn’t read.  Would have been interesting if it were Connors week with all the strong DC books.

  23. I haven’t read this yet, but I have no doubt that this issue will be great. I think that why this whole arc has been underwhelming is because of the lateness of each issue of it, cause I’m pretty sure there was a multi-month wait between some of the other issue. I’m sure when read all together that the story will be dynamic.


    Not too sure if this will be POTW, since X-Factor is out this week 🙂


    P.S. – Armored Daredevil rules! He’s just as cool as Armored Thor, or castration!

  24. I gave up on this run a few months ago, was too slow moving and morose for me, my life is slow moving and morose enough for me at time.  But hmmm Ron you may have sucked me back in.

  25. FINALLY a POW I can agree with.  Great choice Ron. 


  26. I so look foreward to reading a  new Ann Nocenti Daredevil story, God it has been long.

    Nice pick!!!

  27. Back around April when I started buying my comics in issues instead of the occasional trade, I decided that, since I knew Brubaker was leaving and his story was wrapping up, I’d hold off on Daredevil until he left… now I’m kicking myself.

    I went with Power Girl #4, which was easily the best issue yet, and that’s saying something since the other three were also my POW. 

  28. Wow I didn’t realize it until just now but since I got back into comics (2002) Daredevil is a book that I have never dropped.

  29. @Josh – yessir! Sorry about that. It was late and I am evil.



  30. Great review, Ron.  Looking forward to hearing you all chat about it this weekend.

    Still, I can’t help but want to listen to a POTW podcast in which you’re all forced to discuss ARCHIE #600 for about 10 minutes.  Ah well.

  31. Daredevil doesn’t get enough credit in general – it’s been a solid book for over ten years. I’ve been reading it since the Ann Nocenti run in the ’80s and it’s the only book I’ve stuck with through thick and thin. It’s a treat to have her in this issue.

    The Joe Kelly run before Smith was actually really good, too. It always gets overlooked.

  32. @flakbait – gotta agree with you on the Joe Kelly run. That guy rocks.

  33. Ann Nocenti! I love her stuff. Brilliant.

  34. wow. once i saw this was the pick i immediately thought it was conners pick. good for you ron.

  35. I’ve been meaning to get back into Daredevil for ages (lost track of him after Inferno but before the blue armor), but just haven’t had the time or the issues. Perhaps it’s time to Torrent hunting.

    Ann Nocenti did some *great* work on Daredevil. Her stuff’s primarily what I cut my teeth on, back in the day.

  36. I can’t believe that Ron got this pick past the iFanboy power structure with its known anti-Marvel bias.  Stay strong, true believer!

    Ahh, seriously, reading this issue made me realize how much I’m going to miss Michael Lark art in my pullbox monthly.  Has he announced a project to follow this one up? 

  37. It’s just a number. But I have enjoyed most of the renumbering extravaganza’s Marvel has been doing. Thor, I think, is still the best of the bunch but maybe that’ll change if when I get a chance to read this.

    Great pick, great article, can’t wait for Sunday.

  38. *tear*  Great review Ron.  I’m so pissed right now.  I just picked up my books and i was gauking at how huge this issue was.  I was talking to the owner of my LCS.  I really respect his opinion on comics.  He has turned me on to a lot of great comics ex:love and rockets.  Today my opinion has changed.  He said that he thinks Ed Brubaker ruined DD.  I almost hit him then left. That was a great run.

  39. Got Alex Ross Variant cover…and this is my last DD …

  40. Nice review Ron.  I liked this issue, but didn’t fall in love with it.  I’m excited for what the future of Daredevil holds.  I thought this was a strong anniversary issue as a whole, but it’s not my pick of the week.  My pick was Superman/Batman.  A great one and done issue with a superb story and really solid art.  Definitely the best book for me this week.

  41. Sounds good, I haven’t gotten it yet so I didn’t want to read any spoilers.


    Batgirl is my POW, it was just a fun read.  Not being that familiar with the Batman universe, I have no idea who the new Batgirl was, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless.


  42. I’ll give you a footrub if you can find me a plot point in the above writing.

    (I won’t.)

  43. This is one of the first weeks I’ve had to think hard about my pick. I loved DD 500. This is a great end to the Brubaker/Lark run and brings DD to an interesting point in his life. I caught up on the series a few months back through omnibus collections and trades, which is a horrible way to read this series. It was like reading 10 years of a comic and realizing that Matt’s life just keeps getting worse. I’m all for emotional stories, but this was kind of overkill. It is nice to see DD realize he’s screwed up and make the decision to move his life into its next phase. Good stuff.

    The other comic that really had me this week was Amazing Spider-Man 603. It’s a brilliant look into the psyche of a character we don’t often get to analyze so deeply. I think I’m leaning toward ASM 603 just for the interesting character study.

  44. Honestly, I could have picked a few things. DD may end up being my pick, but Poe #2 was really enjoyable, as were Hellblazer and Ex Machina. Ex Machina was a nice surprise, honestly. It’s always well-crafted, but I’ve felt a little underwhelmed recently. This single issue snapped the larger picture firmly into place, and I liked what I saw. Wednesday Comics had Dr. Fate by Paul Pope! But… it also had Dan Didio making a BSG reference (yeah, that’ll age well in these timeless comics…). Even Wolverine: Weapon X, which I’m on the fence about (love Aaron, don’t care about another Wolvie comic), was a fun read. And, dammit, I’m still really having fun with Remender’s Punisher and all the wacky 80’s villains he’s brought back.

    I just really enjoyed my comics this week. And I haven’t even gotten to the Vertigo Crime books that I’m really looking forward to.

  45. Who is and when did Noncenti write for DD?

  46. Great pick Ron, this was definitely my pick as well, loved the double sized main story(Master Izo is badass!), Nocentis story and one of the best Miller DD issues reprinted in nice color(my copy is getting a bit yellowy and colors fading)

    However the real question here is WHERE THE HELL IS MICHAEL LARK GOING?

    Seriously though after Gotham Central and Daredevil I hope with his gritty noirish style he teams up with Brubaker yet again on another crime book

  47. @DarkKnightDetective – That’s a damn good question.

  48. Just listen to Sidebar podcast interview with him, he said he was taking a break and wasn’t sure what he would do after Daredevil.  But I gathered that the interview was a while ago because he mentioned having to finish up issue #500, so hopefully he announces his next plans soon.  Until then, I’ll wait for the second Gotham Central hardcover to come out

  49. Is Lark exclusive to Marvel?

    I’m totally daydreaming that he joins Swierczy on the relaunch Iron Fist, until I hear differently.

  50. @Ron – Someone probably already noted this, but I don’t want to read the entire thread: Tan is only drawing the Dark Rein: The List – Daredevil one-shot (which takes too long to say). The new ongoing artist is Roberto De La Torre, which is enough to make me pick it up.

  51. *Reign.

  52. Can’t wait for this, seems like forever since the last issue.  I will keep buying DD through thick and thin as it’s one of the first titles I ever bought back in the mid 80s, but also because it seems to be one of the few Marvel titles that is allowed to skirt the big crossovers – it’s always kind of left to do it’s own thing. 

    Also a big fan of the Nocenti run – epecially with that gorgeous JR JR artwork. It was a really interesting unusual take on DD, often quite moving.  I wish MArvel would stop finding different ways to reprint the Miller stuff over and over and move on to that stuff…

  53. I, too, got into the series through Kevin Smith and continued reading after he left. It was one of my favorite books for years, and it looks like I need to get caught up with back issues – the last one I picked up was 101.

  54. as someone who doesn’t read much DD should I pick this up?  The last issue I bought was the Return of the Kingpin.  What to you guys think?

  55. @JesTr  — I think this is worth getting on its own; it’s a really pretty issue, it gives you an idea of what the new status quo will be, and there are also the two backup/standalone stories that you can read without context. 

  56. @UncleBob Ann Nocenti came on at #250 I believe. #283 -#290 is a great run by Nocenti, you should check it out.

  57. after reading all the backup content, I tried to think back to the main story.  at first, I couldn’t remember Matt’s motivation for becoming leader of the Hand.  So I just skimmed it over again.  WOW!

    really, how does Matt compensate for this move when the motivation was simply to keep Kingpin from doing the same thing?  Has he really put Milla behind him?  Dakota?  How does Kingpin retaliate?  At what point does Foggy get himself some powers so people stop fucking with him?

    I’m looking forward to a different take on this series.  I’ve loved Bru’s run, the only thing I have disliked is the bi-monthly schedule of the last few issues, that killed the momentum.  I’m sure there was a valid reason though.  Regardless, I’m curious as to the next step with Diggle. 

  58. i have to point out that Bendis/ Maleev didnt start until issue 26, and you are therefore leaving out the woefully under-rated David Mack/ Joe Quasada run (which introduced Echo and blinded the Kingpin), the uber "indy" Bendis/ Mack painted Leap Frog story focusing on Ben Urich, and then the truly skippable Bob Gale/ Phil Winslade run, before the great and epic Bendis/ Maleev run.  Give some props to David Mack, man!!!  We wouldnt have had Bendis is Mack hadnt recomended him to Marvel as a Daredevil writer!

  59. ^"Wake Up" is one of the best contained stories ever written.

  60. Great review, Ron. And this is coming from someone who, when he says "back in the day…", means the Lee/Colan issues. I’ve loved this character for a LONG time & I live in hope that he’ll always end up with a great team working on him. Cheers all.

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