Special Edition Podcast

Talksplode #75 – Phil Hester

Show Notes

Thanks to iFanboy patrons, it’s Talksplode time.

Phil Hester is a 30 year veteran of comics, both as a writer and artist of many comic book titles. There’re Firebreather, Green Arrow, The Coffin, Ant-Man, The Anchor, Mythic, and countless others across the spectrum from creator owned to Marvel and DC superheroes and most of what’s in between. We talk about Phil’s career on both ends of the drawing board, as well his well known original art collection. We even touch on Phil’s recent health crisis and re-emergence back to health, which was also documented here.

Make sure to follow Phil Hester on Twitter as well.

Total Running Time: 01:05:32


“This Is All I Came To Do”
Dinosaur Jr.


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Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:

  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!


  1. Thanks for this interview, Josh. Phil is a talented guy, and it’s nice to see him showcased. The discussion on self-care was welcomed, and something that I think more folks need to hear.

  2. Thanks for this fine interview. Since his run on Green Arrow with Kevin Smith (Since then I have never anticipated something again as much as that return of Ollie Queen from the dead. And now I still hope for his return in his “true” pre-New52 nature …) Phil Hester is an artist I have a special interest for. Even though I haven’t read much of him afterwards as I have to admit. At the time I needed some time to get used to his more “cartoonish” style. Now it is something I look again at with great pleasure. I need to check Shipwreck out. And Coffin.

    Great questions, Josh. Talksplode greatly fits in with the superior quality of the “IFanboy experience”. Sure, I would have liked to hear PH talk about working with Smith, with Tony Harris or Warren Ellis. But, of course, that is probably stuff that is not easily being addressed in the public.

    I hope you guys will be able to keep up these podcasts even after Ron has left again. They belong to the pieces of media I am consuming with the greatest pleasure.

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