Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #506 – Doctor Strange #1

Show Notes

So many comics this week! So many in fact that we had to go slightly longer and and skip the audience questions. But it did allow for an extended look at the “new” Marvel, the return of War Corner, and the further deterioration of Josh Flanagan’s mental capabilities!

Running Time: 01:04:00

Pick of the Week:
00:02:42 – Doctor Strange #1

Comics:Doctor Strange_1
00:16:40 – Southern Bastards #11
00:21:33 – Paper Girls #1
00:25:32 – Batman and Robin Eternal #1
00:28:26 – Jughead #1
00:30:36 – The Amazing Spider-Man #1
00:33:12 – Invincible Iron Man #1
00:38:05 – Minimum Wage: So Many Bad Decisions #6
00:42:01 – Secret Wars #6

Star Wars Corner
00:44:30 – Star Wars #10
00:46:41 – Star Wars: Lando #5
00:47:48 – Star Wars: Darth Vader #10
00:49:17 – Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Shattered Empire #2

More Comics:
00:51:47 – KFC Presents The Colonel of Two Worlds #1
00:54:06 – Axcend #1

War Corner:
00:55:20 – Tet #2

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“Dr. Strangeluv”
Blonde Redhead


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  1. The other Spider-Man is Hobie Brown aka The Prowler. I do agree that I’m ready for someone else on ASM

  2. I agree on ASM as well. Jughead I took for what it was and found it enjoyable enough.

  3. Bachalo went to the next level. Scalero is no longer the only guy that just needs to stop it.

  4. Does anyone know when the new Spidey book with Miles Morales is coming out? Marvel announced in June and I’ve heard/seen nothing since. Also when is the new Kelly/McGuiness Deadpool book going to be released?

  5. Good podcast as always. Glad Ron is back. 🙂

    You mentioned a podcast last time that you were doing as well, however, I forget the name of it, unless you were kidding. I believe it was one minute something? You should leave a link so others might be interested as well.

  6. Blonde Redhead- Nice touch.
    Dr. Strange was a little too much like Thor-
    The cape- man i wish he would lose it- did he steal this one from Spawn?
    I get that people like Bachalo I do. He’s good. But why does everything he draw have bits breaking off? Even if it’s a solid metal wall there will be little crumbs and bits. It’s like a tick of sorts.

    As for Spider-Man there is chunk missing from All the marvel books coming out right now.
    Like say- Iron Man. I like the look of Iron Man- but man that book was dull and zero original. Zero. Nothing memorable. It felt like a Marvel Adventures book- not bad not great. Actually a lot of those books were better than this one.

    The whole idea of Marvel launching these new titles before getting even close to finishing an event like Secret Wars feels like no respect for the work- the titles the readers- the creators. AN event as big as this- and no wrap up – before starting something new- feels kind of like a fuck you.

    Gungan- Dengar? Man- just in general I could do with 50% less Star Wars comic book talk.
    These books are just not great. Any of them.
    Lando wouldn’t say Lo- But Billy Dee would and that is the problem there.

  7. Hobie Brown was the original Prowler from waaaaaay back in 1969 (ASM #78). He at one time put on the Spider-Man suit in order to stand next to Peter so he could prove he wasn’t the wall crawler. In ASM: Renew Your Vows, he was a part of the rebels fighting against Regent. He’s very good at inventing tech, so he’s always been useful to Peter.

    But yes, it’s like Rhodey/Tony, isn’t it.

  8. So the only things which sell in contemporary comics are events, and #1s?

    It’s like our comic book publishers have suddenly become my mom… obsessed with introducing me to someone new, then obsessed with having a huge wedding… then not caring about anything else in our lives.

  9. I loved ASM issue one and the issue itself explains who Hobie is. I thought it was very easy to follow and had a pretty cool cliffhanger. I’m happy with Slott staying on, he’s done so many cool things and ASM is at the top of my stack every two weeks. The situations might be new for Peter, but he is still very much the Peter Parker we all love. I don’t get the confusion, the action at the start was a fun way to showcase that Spidey is international and showing off Parker Industries new tech. Nothing positive to say about the issue at all? Really?

    • I agree Luke. Peter’s direction into a successful scientist/business man who’s heart is in the right place makes sense for the character. You don’t just invent revolutionary web shooters at 14 and then take pictures for the bugle for the rest of your life. It’s a more holistic view of Peter/Spider-Man. That being said I don’t want a Tony Stark lite. I trust Slott- he’s earned it.
      If someone hasn’t been reading Slott’s SM regularly they probably don’t have the background to say either way.

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