iFanboy Video Podcast

iFanboy #177 – Scott Pilgrim: The Final Volume and The Movie

Show Notes

There’s only one comic book that has inspired midnight release parties at comic book stores all across the world. There’s only one comic book series that has generated the amount of fervor usually reserved for books about young wizards and mopey vampires. That book series is Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim and this summer saw the release of the final volume in the series and the big time Hollywood feature film adaptation.

Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 6: Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour

No book was more important for the comic book industry over the last ten years than Scott Pilgrim and this summer saw the release of the final volume, Scott Pilgrim Vol. 6: Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour. How did it stack up to the other volumes in the series and was it a satisfying ending? iFanboy’s answers might surprise you.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Was iFanboy favorite director Edgar Wright the right man for the daunting task of adapting Bryan Lee O’Malley’s six volume epic into one film? And was Michael Cera the right man to play the lovable slacker Scott Pilgrim? iFanboy’s got a lot to say about Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.


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  1. Great episode guys! I loved the movie, but the only thing that I found missing was Kim Pine and any of her backstory with Scott.  I thought it provided a little more information on Scott and how he handles his relationshps.

  2. I actually didn’t read the comics until a friend suggested I read them after I expressed how interested I was in the movie. I thought the changes they made in the movie worked. Even though I would’ve liked to see a more in depth look at his past relationships (Kim Pine especially, I agree with forestjwp) I thought the parts that were interspersed gave a hint to the fact that it really didn’t go as well as it seemed.

    I have taken 5 friends, one at a time to this movie and none of them are the geek that I am and they all liked it, and some want to see it again. 

    Oh, and I also missed the part with Knives’ dad. I liked that.

    And for the first comic I’ve read in ages (little over 10 years) it was amazing. 

  3. Awesome movie, one of my favorite parts in the entire thing was the universal logo at the beginning, the 8-bit track….

  4. Kim Pine being relegated to a smaller part and Knive’s dad (@Freshvolk) were the two things that I missed the most. That said they had to cut things to make it work as a movie and I think they did it really well. Great show btw.

  5. I hope there’s lots of deleted scenes for the blu-ray.

  6. ditto on everything you guys said

  7. Want more Kim Pine I found it!  There is a short animated piece that was released on Cartoon Network covering the beginning of the relationship. 

  8. True or false: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World=Edgwar Wright’s best work?


    (imo, true) 

  9. The movie was AWESOME! However it really suffered by having Michael Cera as it’s star, from a marketing perspective. Can’t tell you how many people I talked to stayed away because of Cera. Shame of it is, he actually did a pretty good job…

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