Don't Miss Podcast

Don’t Miss: Walter Simonson on The Judas Coin

Show Notes

Running Time: 00:22:41

Walter Simonson is an actual living and working legend in comics, and the good news is that he doesn’t seem like he’s close to done. The man draws and writes this original graphic novel, The Judas Coin, which works a bit like an anthology that spans distant corners of the DC Universe, following the cursed payment for the betrayal of Christ, but also featuring Batman. Simonson is still very much pushing and challenging himself with comics at a point in his career where many would just sit back and put it on cruise control, and it’s incredibly inspiring.

The Judas Coin HC
Written and Drawn by Walter Simonson
Color/96 Pages/$22.99

DC Comics

Boy With a Coin
Iron and Wine


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  1. This was a fantastic interview I am excited to see Walt’s take on the different eras of comics that he talked about. The Alien Graphic novel that he mentioned is amazing as well, much better than some of the Dark Horse Alien comics.

  2. Great interview, Josh. You seem to have the knack that good interviewers have of knowing when to get out of the way & let the subject speak for themselves. And boy, was it a pleasure to hear Simonson speak! I was excited for this book when I first heard about it but now that excitement has been turned up to eleven (hearing him namecheck Buscema, one of my all-time heroes, was an added buzz). Thanks so much for bringing this to us – two thumbs way up!

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