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Justice League: Generation Lost wraps up its year long bi-weekly story that had many readers calling the best Justice League book on the market. We talk to writer Judd Winick about the experience of writing the series as a whole, the challenges of writing a book tied so closely to others, plotting for multiple artists, and the fun of writing a villainous Maxwell Lord. And will Winick ever write another bi-weekly series?
Justice League: Generation Lost #24
Story by Judd Winick
Art by Aaron Lopresti
Covers by Dustin Nguyen & Kevin Maguire
$4.99 – DC Comics
Love Lost
The Temper Trap
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Good bye Generation Lost. I shall miss having a new issue of you every two weeks.
@ZookZoltn Yeah. It’s pretty sad. Judging by what Winnick said (or didn’t say) in the Wondercon interview, I think there’s some cool shit on the horizon.
So bummed this is finally over, but Judd makes a good comment. At least this isn’t the last issue because it was canceled. We actually reached the end as it was meant to be.
I know I’ll look back on this run as the best thing to come out of the entire Blackest Night/Brightest Day set of books.
I’m so excited for this issue. Great interview
Gwnius music cue.
Sad to see it go, but ecstatic to see how it ends. It says something about the book when it eclipsed the main Brightest Day story in terms of storytelling and character development. Not that the main story was bad – just that you could tell how much heart Winick was putting into these ragtag band of characters. Looking forward to where these characters go next.
I’ll be happy to see how this story ends. I’d much rather have it end on a high note as intended than get extended and burn out and fade away. It was a really fun year of reading. Can’t wait to sit back down with all those issues and re-read through the entire story in a few sittings.
Helluva guy Winick. I missed the boat on this, much to my dismay. But I’m chomping at the bit to snatch up those trades.
I managed to pick all of the back issues of this series after reading so much praise on iFanboy… and I just caught up. Very excited for the conclusion. Not having grown up with these characters (I stopped reading comics from 1985-1998), I have thoroughly enjoyed myself with this title.
This really needs to be an ongoing.
It will be great to wrap this arc up.
But this is my Justice League right now/
Great interview. I’m officially a Winnick fan (well after this run on Gen Lost)…can’t wait to see what you do next!
@ericmci — sometimes its better to go out on a hight note. I have tons of respect for telling the story and then letting it be as something great instead of going back to the well and forcing another story where there is none.
Just read it, awesome book, and a great announcement at the end
Well played Mr. Winnick. If you don’t play poker….you should start. =)