Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #381 – Batman #19

Show Notes

Hey, you hosers, listen up! The gangs all back together, eh, as Conor Kilpatrick returns to talk about comics with those two knobs, Paul Montgomery and Josh Flanagan. Beauty, eh?

Running Time: 00:55:00

Pick of the Week:
00:01:41 – Batman #19


00:08:43 – Uncanny Avengers #6
00:12:14 – Thor: God of Thunder #7
00:14:58 – Saga #12
00:20:07 – Sex #2
00:24:44 – Theremin #1
00:26:45 – Hawkeye #9
00:29:31 – The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #3
00:31:40 – Batman: Li’l Gotham #1
00:33:54 – Sledgehammer 44 #2

User Reviews:
00:36:50 – The Top Five Community Picks of the Week.
00:37:43 – CaseyJustice reviews Star Wars #4.
00:38:30 – JoseRivera83 reviews Superboy #19.

Audience Questions:
00:41:03 –  Brad has a question about iFanboy’s Amazon affiliate links.
00:42:19 –  David W. asks about DC’s Canadian superheroes.
00:44:56 – Tiago from Porto, Portugal can’t make sense of Marvel’s timeline.

Brought to You By:
• Appleseed Comics & Art Convention – For the fourth year in a row, the midwest’s best comics and art convention is in Fort Wayne, IN on May 11.

“Strange Brew”
Ian Thomas


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  1. I haven’t kept track: Have they ever addressed Booster Gold’s Canadian origins in the New 52? They hadn’t dealt with it by the time I dropped Justice League International, but I don’t know if it was addressed in other books.

    You’re not wrong about DC lacking Canadian representation. Before Booster’s citizenship change, the highest-profile Canadian in the DCU was probably Plastique. (Who? EXACTLY.) DC has a pretty unique approach to geography in general, though. Their mythology is rooted in fictional cities like Gotham and Metropolis, and if they need a country that isn’t the United States they’re more likely to make one up (Markovia and Qurac, for instance) than Marvel would be. I think of the DCU as this sort of sunny, colourful global America with other countries thrown in for exotic value, not treated as real places in their own right (though that’s changed slowly over the past 15 years or so).

    Marvel loves real-world locations, though, and thanks to Wolverine’s popularity and the lasting influence of John Byrne, they’ve built up a big host of Canadian characters. Alpha Flight, as far as I know, was the longest-running Marvel series set in a real country outside the United States — with Excalibur coming up behind it — and by now, there are enough Alpha Flight characters to make your own Canadian-only Marvel U if you wanted to.

  2. That was the best episode yet, i was laughing way too hard at the end there guys. Thank you

  3. Regarding Stephanie Brown – there was a blond girl who was Carrie’s roommate (vel sim) in Batman and Robin. I wondered if that was going to end up being stephanie. Alas, Carrie never said her name.

  4. This is the episode where everyone loses their mind…

    Seriously, hilarious stuff from the user reviews to the end. I love how josh calls out that brought nothing to the user reviews segment.

  5. It’s funny you were making Canadian jokes, because this last week I was also making a couple jokes about Canada (I work with a team located in Calgary, so it was some friendly ribbing).

    One of my jokes was something to the effect of…winter in Calgary is the best nine months you can only hope to experience. (You see, I’m making a comment that Canada can have long cold winters. Pretty funny, eh! You don’t like it? Oh, take off, you hoser, eh!)

  6. Figure this has already been addressed, but apparently they said Booster would be from Canada at a convention (and also see other people saying, more specifically, Toronto), but I haven’t seen it addressed anywhere myself yet.

  7. I was expecting a Cream cover…

  8. Really? Whats with the stupid Canadian jokes. They weren’t even funny…

  9. Not trying to be negative Nelly and I realize the podcast is free…The audio mixes for the last several podcasts have been really bad. Sometimes Connor’s and Paul’s voices are booming and Josh is barely audible and vice versa. Just wanted to point out that one technical issue. The content, as always, is stellar!

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