Comic Books


• Wolverine and his team of X-Men fight classic X-Villain Exodus!

• For the first time since SCHISM, members of Cyclops’ X-Men come face-to-face with Wolverine’s X-Men…to explosive results!

Story by Christos Gage
Art by David Baldeon & Jordi Tarragona
Colors by Sonia Oback
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Mark Brooks

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


Invasionforce02/23/12YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. This was going to be a drop for me. Then Gage came on and I really an digging the tie ends with the school. So I am going to stick with it.

  2. “For the first time since SCHISM” Wolverine’s X-MEN come face to face w Cyclpos’ X-MEN makes me wanna jump back onboard, dropped this title awhile back but still love the X-verse.

    • This title has undergone a pretty significant creative, tonal and status quo shift as of the last two issues (260.1 and 261) and it’s a lot of fun. If you still love X-action, you should be reading this book.

  3. Gage is realloy justifying my faith in him. I liked most of Carey’s run, but thought it petered out near the end, but didn’t want to drop the title since Gage was coming on board. I’m really glad I kept it on the pull list.

  4. Seems like they deliberately matched the tone and art style of WatX to make this a good companion book. It’s got fun action, humor and a cartoony art style. I’m digging it so far.

  5. I liked that last issue. Now I’m sold. Again, it’s a great companion piece to WatX as we get to see the teachers act as a team. Exodus is a so-so villain but I think he works in this setup.

    David Baldeon’s art is fantastic and in two issues he’s become an artist I’ll look out for. The way he draws faces takes some getting used to. It’s not bad, just a pronounced stylistic thing. But the way he conveys action is top notch.

    Multiple panels jumped out at me. Second page, first panel – that’s a great dynamic shot of the team turning a corner. Fourth page, fourth panel – I love the body language of everyone reacting to Rogue. Ninth page, first panel – so many different actions are being conveyed here. And the physic battle page was great as well.

    There are over 600 people here pulling WatX and not Legacy. I’d urge anyone who hasn’t tried this yet to give it a shot.

  6. Seconded

  7. This was really really really good!!! Sick cover to.

  8. This is the best Legacy has been in a long time. In Gage we trust!

  9. this was awesome, i think this is officially my favorite x-book

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