Comic Books



Following the events of SECOND COMING, Young X-Man Indra is called back to India at the request of his family. Accompanied by Rogue and Magneto, the X-Men arrive to discover that not all is right in Mumbai…and not just due to tensions with Indra’s parents. Earthquakes tear through the streets and energy flares cause planes to fall from the sky. Could this be a new mutant manifestation? Or is this something far more sinister?

PENCILS: Clay Mann

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.5%
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. I’m starting back up on this book starting with this issue. That’s a great cover. And I’ve always been a fan of the Magneto/Rogue relationship back from the late 80s/early 90s. (Regardless of what the Sentry says, in X-Men 274 it’s heavily implied Mags and Rogue were more than friends. 😉 )

  2. At last the Indra story we have all been begging for. But yes, if this book is built around Rogue I will keep buying this book. I mean, unless it becomes terrible. Otherwise, that is a guarantee!

  3. Mike Carey does have a good handle on Rogue.  plus Clay Mann does a solid job usually.

  4. Mann’s last Legacy issue was perfect x-men art.

  5. With the third ongoing I’m starting to wonder what the point of this book is? When Carey first took over it felt like a fun crazy classic X-Men book, then they dd the year long Xavier story, but ever since I’ve felt like this has been running in place, picking up scraps from Fraction’s book.

  6. Dropped this just before the Necrosha arc but I gave this issue a shot.  It was a bit heavy on the setup but I enjoyed it.  Love Clay Mann.  Mike Carey is probably my favorite of any X-Men writers I’ve read in recent years.  He always does a great job with the characters he works with and makes clever use of their powers.  The sci-fi concept for this story is cool so far.

    I’ll stick with it for now but I’m always a bit weary of X-Men comics.  They often lose me with the crossovers and the wider continuity.

  7. Bad assery has a new face, and the name of that face is Casual-Wear Magneto.


    Seriously, where did this Clay Mann come from? I’m loving this art. I hope he stays on for the long run. As for the story, I think it’s a good start. The sidestory involving Indra is pretty interesting and well written, and the main story involving that blonde girl is looking to be a good mystery. I can’t wait till the next issue, where we’ll see Casual-Wear Magneto kick some Sentinal ass.

  8. @ mikeandzod21

    The stated premise is Rogue mentoring the younger mutants. It’s a risky concept, but it plays to Carey’s strengths and I’m just so damn glad someone is actually doing something with those characters.

  9. By the way, I really liked this issue, art and writing both. Carey is making Fraction look bad again.

  10. Good first chapter. As long as this quality is kept up, i see no problem with three ongoings.

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