Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 11.6%


changingshades07/09/09YesRead Review
akamuu07/07/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. the preview for this was actully quite good

  2. the preview was pretty good…i’m looking forward to see Gambit and Rogue get back into the X-Men fold.

  3. More Rogue and Gambit?  God damnit!!!!

  4. For some reason I’m actually HAPPY to see this book tie into Utopia. That event growing is somehow a good thing in my estimation. But then, I’m a big x-fan and who doesn’t want more Rogue and Gambit? Hell, if these issues are good I might stick with the title past the tie-in.

  5. To me legacy has been the best x-men book of the last 12 months with no doubts.  I’m surprised that so few people in the ifanboy community pull it…

  6. Yeah, I’m interested to get Carey’s take on what’s going on with the Utopia crossover, letting him play in that world for a few issues. It is a little strange that this book is under-represented on iFanboy. About a month ago, though, I looked at how it’s doing on the sales charts, and it actually sells more copies than many series that place ahead of it in iFanboy pulls. I’ve liked the series quite a bit, but the resent 5- or 6-part story put me to sleep.

  7. *If we had an ‘edit’ button I would change my embarrassing, inexplicable ‘resent’ to ‘recent’…

  8. They oughta hold onto this Dustin Weaver guy, he draws a good X-Men comic.

  9. …and I just realized he’s drawing the Star Wars mini that just started last week, so that’s cool too. 

  10. This is the first Legacy book in over a year that I’ve actually enjoyed enough to comment positively on.  I liked how it ties in with Utopia and it was a hell of a lot better than Dark X-men.  Fuck me, that book was shit with staples.

  11. This was my pick of the week — mostly by default because I didn’t get  much ofanything else, but it was a solid comic.  This is a good direction for Rogue (and past due if you ask me) and it ties in well with Utopia.

  12. @caroline.  I agree wholeheartedly.  This was a refreshing read.  I also kind of like Danger’s role in things.  I thought it would be kind of cheesy, but in this issue she was a valuable asset to R and G going against Ares.  Really cool action sequences and solid writing.

  13. I wish this was part II of Utopia.  Great issue with great art and action.  Reminds me why I like Rogue and Gambit.  Writing is clever too.

  14. Pretty good issue. I thought some of it was kind of corny, but other parts were spot-on. I love the "talking to yourself" bit between Moonstone and Rogue. 3/5.

  15. 3/5 from me too. I wish Carey could have worked in a little more forward character development, though. One moment of Rogue and Gambit saying…something…about how they see themselves in relation to anything (each other, the X-Men, anything) would have reassured me that this book isn’t just spinning its wheels and treading water for no reason. As a tie-in fight-oriented issue, though, it was fine.

  16. I’m not gonna lie… I loved the Rogue / "Ms. Marvel" battle.

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