Just when you thought it was over, we pull you back in – it’s the X-Force story everyone’s been talking about, finally delivered! Wolverine and Domino have always had a special relationship, but everything goes upside down when the Assassins Guild puts out a hit on our gun wielding bombshell. Why do they want her dead? And more importantly, how many people have to die before Wolverine and Domino can spend some quality time together? Get ready for the sexiest blood-soaked ride Craig Kyle and Chris Yost have ever delivered as they join forces with international superstar Gabriele Dell’otto to offer up their final X-Force story!

WRITER: Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost
PENCILS: Gabriele Dell'otto
COVER BY: Gabriele Dell'otto

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


akamuu07/14/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Sex and Violence?  What fanboys would want to read about that?

  2. I can’t see this title without hearing that awful Bush song in my head.

  3. It better deliver on the sex

  4. I predict this will have little redeeming societal value. And some serious sideboob shots.

  5. Im with you all the way on the side boob. definate probably, almost certainly, possibly could be side boobage, as well as gratuitous ass shots. Love gratuitous ass shots.

  6. Gratuitous ass shots? Let me check. Is this a comic book with a female protagonist? Yes? Then there will be an ample suppy of gratuitous ass shots. I think its in the code now.

  7. It’s a gorgeous cover.

  8. I wanna see Domino and Logan fuck.

  9. surely if that happened, shit would just keep falling on logan just as he was about to get his rocks off?

  10. @har13quin Because of Domino’s luck powers? She uses them as a form of birth control? "Oh baby, I am getting close…" Bookshelf collapses, dog attacks, and an errant flaming arrow hits him in the buttocks. Works better than thinking about baseball, I suppose.


  11. I feel like this was first mentioned well over a year ago.  Whatever, glad its finally coming out

  12. No fuck but a marvelously render noir wolverine story. With the Domino infinite luck concept and money in the middle.

  13. It has Domino.  I therefore dig it.

  14. This book was so nearly my pick of the week, if not for Thanos imperative.

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