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akamuu12/15/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. It’s a shame X-FORCE is kind of limited to just x-fans.  I’m sure a lot of people are skipping it and writing it off as a Blackest Night ripoff as well.

    Kyle and Yost are quietly putting together one of the best X-Men runs of the past decade.

  2. Yeah the seeds of Necrosha began in the first issue of this series so you can’t say its a Blackest Night rip off. Blackest Night is a bad Marvel Zombies ripoff!

  3. I don’t think it is a Blackest Night rip-off, but I do think the "event-i-zation" of it was influenced by Blackest Night. Of course, it could have actually led to a shrinking of the event. I mean, if all mutants are being brought back from the dead you would think this would have hit Uncanny as well, at a minimum. 16 million undead mutants returning? That might have gotten the Avengers attention. But a large event would have definitely felt me-too on a larger scale. OK, yes, most likely Necrosha was only a mini-event because Marvel is concentrating on Seige first and then doing a big X-event with Second Coming and there was no room for big Necrosha, but it is interesting to speculate on how and why these event decisions get made. 

  4. …well all of that and Kyle and Yost don’t have the pull for an event outside of the X-line.

  5. Also its worth remembering that the big two companies dont sit around talking about how best to copy one another. The amount of forward planning required alone makes that impossible. I dont think its too difficult to guess how these event decisions get made. A writer(s) has/have an idea. They pitch it. The editorial staff decide if it will sell. They schedule it and it eventually gets published. Simples. Kyle and Yost just had the best idea at the time, when the decision was being made as to what to do next in the x-verse. 

  6. X-force is byfar the best x title right now that are in my pull list ( others being Deadpool Legacy and Uncanny) in my opinon. Just Wondering how is xfactor compared to other titles?

  7. @jimbilly I think this was discussed a while back.  The beginnings of this event were started back when New X-Men was still in publication.

  8. Selene first popped up in NEW X-MEN #32 when she recruited Wither.  One of my favorite x-issues of the past few years…

  9. It’s really a shame that this story these guys have been building up to for a few years now is being wrecked by muddy, incompressible artwork. Just imagine how beautiful this story would look if drawn by mike choi

  10. I usually like Choi better too, but I think Crain’s artwork really, really fits the horrific mood of this story. Maybe it’s just that Crane’s been growing on me for the last half-year or so anyway. When X-Force started a few years ago, I actually dropped the series after the first issue in large part because of Crain’s art. I guess it’s kind of a taste thing, but I’m thinking that once you give Crain a few chances, you’ll see the good qualities of his work even if it turned you off at first glance (as it did me).

  11. I take it back–at least for this issue. The art here on like half the pages was so muddy…it was like Crain didn’t have time to put enough detail in. So 1/4 of the time I couldn’t tell who was who, and in a few panels it was tough to tell who the bad guys were. …On other pages I really liked his art, though.

  12. I was on the Crain bandwagon before this issue too.  This reminds me of his really bad work on Messiah War.

    Who was the redhead in one of the panels?  I couldn’t figure out if he mistakingly put Hope in there

  13. Couldn’t agree more with the above posts. I love Crain’s art on the covers but her really isn’t, or can’t, putting in enough detail in the pages. It is sufficiently dark, and the page where Wolverine, Warpath and Archangel meet Cyclops and Domino is great, but it was much too indistinct at times.

  14. those captions explaining who was fighting who barely helped.  it’s like we need a panel by panel annotation 

  15. This issue confused the hell out of me, would that be because X-Force is the only Necrosha book I’m reading?

  16. no, as long as you read the one-shot first chapter and the anthology from last week, you have all the information.  the art is just that incomprehensible.

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