Comic Books


“HARD LABOR” Conclusion!

About to give birth and on the run from mutants, demons and gods alike, Wolfsbane turns to the only ones she feels she can trust: her own kind. But even with the help of THE PACK, will Wolfsbane and her baby survive the ordeal? And considering some believe the baby to be the harbinger of the end of the world, do we even want them to?

Story by Peter David
Art by Emanuela Lupacchino & Guillermo Ortego
Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by David Yardin

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. This book rarely blows me away, but there’s just something about it that keeps me coming back.

  2. I’ve not been the hugest fan of this storyline – probably because Rahne has always been my least favourite X Factor member- but I am looking forward to seeing how her son leads into that crazy Darwin cowboy issue from a while back.

    I love that PAD’s basically been given these characters to do whatever he likes with in his own little sandbox. If there’s one thing he’s great at, it’s long-form storytelling. There are plot strands in this going back to #200 and before that I’m really excited to see come together. I seriously love that stuff.

    Oh, and if Black Cat turns back up to go on a date with Longshot, that’d be awesome.

  3. @markish – The Darwin plot had completely skipped my mind until you mentioned it. Looking forward to that coming back up.

  4. I’ll agree that this has been a weak arc, but a weak arc on this book is still better than most of what’s out there

  5. Not as good as the last issue, but still great.

    I also can’t wait to see where this leads to with Darwin.

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