Comic Books



• Learn what our heroes have been doing since they arrived here five years ago from Earth Two!

Written by Paul Levitz
Art by George Pérez, Scott Koblish, & Kevin Maguire
Cover by George Pérez
Variant Cover by George Pérez

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


dix06/06/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. I had a great time with the first issue. It’s alot like what I loved about the Supergirl/Batgirl team ups from the old DCU.

    • Avatar photo jwt6577 (@jwt6577) says:

      It has a lot of potential to be a really fun book and more Power Girl is always a good thing.

    • The first issue was fun. I really hope they keep the fun angle and don’t turn it too dark. The Power Girl series was boatloads of fun and it was awesome because of that.

  2. My favorite of the Next Wave titles.

    And probably in my Top 5 or so of the New 52, too.

  3. Did someone say fun?

    I better go read that first issue.

  4. I enjoyed issue 1 and love the new costumes. In one of the more absurd moments of my comic fandom, I was accused of censorship for supporting DC’s move to get rid of Power Girl’s “boob window.” Who knew it was such a contentious issue…?

    • Personally, I like sexuality and think a hint of it in Power Girl’s style helped give her more character. Now the overall feel is a bit more bland.

      Plus it’s not absurd to look at it as censorship, editorial literally told the artists not to include any chest opening in her design. I think we should be living in a less prudish society, so this annoys me.

  5. The first issue was very good and thats really all I needed to keep me on board.


  6. That villian on the cover sure looks a lot like the Anti-Monitor….


  7. Avatar photo MindTrickdMedia (@mindtrickdmedia) says:

    I hope this title keeps my attention. Seems like a great team up like everyone is commenting. But with so much out, doesn’t seem like such an epic title to keep on my list…but we’ll see.

  8. It was a good fun book and I’ll buy anything that George Perez or Kevin Maguire work on! I loved Power Girl before and like seeing her in a book again. Even with the new costume redesign.

  9. This continues to be a good time. Excited for the prospect of Huntress and PG interacting with the other heroes of Earth… wait, what number is the New 52-verse?

  10. This is a fun and enjoyable read, but second issue in and I find I’m still waiting for something meatier. I’m really hoping this title fleshes out quickly. This is my most enjoyable week in the comics rotation and there’s a lot of competition so I’m hoping this one can find a way to stay on the pull list.

  11. Meh. This read like typical (sub?) standard comic book stuff to me. I actually had to flip through this and Detective a second time to remember if I’d even read it or not. Think I’m out.

  12. I enjoyed issue #2 a lot, I like mysteries and here there is plenty of that. I also liked the art, but for some reason the inks in Perez’s sequences seemed kind of “thicker,” but other than that, great issue.

    Please check my mini-review here:

    Comments and feedback are always welcome!

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