Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. See, every time they throw a classic Wolverine opponent into solicitations, I always think about giving it a shot, even though every arc has been terrible. Deadpool, and any prospect of seeing the character in a vaguely serious role again, nearly fools me all over again.

  2. i dropped this book ages ago but then they had to go put deadpool in it bloody marvel!!

  3. Grrrr….this was horrible.  And this is Deadpool’s new creative team?  His thought balloons weren’t even in yellow, his jokes were bad, and he used catchphrases from the 90’s. 

     Bring back Fabes.

  4. Dude, I read the last issue and I’m definitely pulling this when it comes…In a series that hasn’t delivered at all after "House of M" set it up, the last issue was great.  It was great to see Deadpool coming even more severely uncorked than usual.  I love the idea of an enemy knowing that nothing short of a nuclear blast can kill Wolvie, yet still trying to drop a piano on him!?!??!  I long for the days of the Deadpool ongoing when Deadpool would spout catchphrases like "Who let the dogs out!!" back when Casey and McGuinness were running the show.  This is a good lead-in to the Deadpool re-launch.  Other than that….I’d like to reming everyone that Wolverine has his memories back……………………………………………………….Are we EVER going to do something interesting with that????!?!

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