Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 5.7%


DoctorColossus12/20/08YesRead Review
bigbyhanson12/20/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.2
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. This sounds like it’s all flashbacks.  But the preview at Newsarama was right off from where the last issue took off.

  2. Is this the best book in comics?


  3. @Brandon2-Kirkman doesn’t tyically do flashbacks with this title, but it might be.  Most likely its just going to have each character reflecting on the last year while they sit around a camp fire singing songs.  But of course, it will be awesomely entertaining!

  4. I like how the covers a homage to the Maguire Justice League covers.

  5. I just want to see how it is possible that Maggie is on the cover.

  6. @DoctorColossus-Kirkman’s cliffhangers are quite devious at times.  I wouldn’t assume that what you are thinking about actually happened.  Sorry if I sound too coy, trying not to drop spoilers.

  7. 2.99 and the best comic being written!

  8. @Win:  I thought of the cover as an homage to that Preacher cover with all the characters

  9. Maybe its just a cover?

  10. It pains me that Invincible doesn’t get a "5 years later" issue.  I love the two books, but if you ask me to chose…I go with Invincible.  (Please don’t ask me to choose…please)

  11. Choose

  12. I choose The Invincible Dead

  13. The only comic book I go back and re-read from the beginning every six issues.  When the day comes I HAVE to start pruning my list, this’ll be the last to go…Invincible will probably right before it…if Nicieza or Busiek were still on Thunderbolts, that would be a WHOLE lot harder of a decision.

  14. INCREDIBLE – delivers every issue

  15. I’m glad Rick finally cowboy’ed  to that douche bag.

  16. What a horrible solicit up top. It has NOTHING to do with the story found in the issue itself… weird…. Fantastic as usual…nice seeing Rick acting a little more like himself.

  17. pretty decent issue.  not the best, but good.  Mind you, a "good" issue of the walking dead is still better than 90% of the books out there

  18. This issue is as good as this comic can get, which is really good.

  19. Good as always. I like the new status quo they are establishing with the new group of characters. And I agree with a lot of what was said above–great to see the old Rick back…even for just a few panels.

  20. That’s so weird… what’s the deal with the solicit?

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