Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.4%


mrmister11/27/08NoRead Review
kwisdumb11/26/08YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. A year ago I went to my local comic shop on the Friday after Thanksgiving for a big sale.  At the time I was only reading DC titles and Invincible.  I enjoyed Invincible so much that I picked up a few Walking Dead trades since they were so cheap.  I instantly got hooked on it.  This Friday I’ll be in there again, this time to buy as many Walking Dead trades as I can and hopefully collect the whole series.

  2. I may have to let this series go. Damn.  🙁

  3. This is one of the best books out there right now – I love me some TWD

  4. @J4K3-There are far worse books you can drop than this.  Plus I always feel better after I give my money to indy comics.

    I am interested to see where Kirkman takes this.  I think mullet man is full of shit, but who knows.

  5. @J4K3- Don’t drop this one you can always drop hulk. 🙂

  6. @J4K3-oh man I totally didn’t see what other books you’re pulling.  You have Hulk and Wolverine First Class…and TWD is the book you are considering dropping??!?!?!  Foo’ you crazy! 😛

  7. @J4K3: You really shouldn’t drop Walking Dead. While not the most original idea ever, its rare to find utter hopelessness in any form of fiction, let alone comics. the fact that theres no sense of hope, no silver lining, that essentially these characters are fucked no matter what they do. make it one of the most unique reading experiences on the stands today.

  8. Trying to play catch up.  Although I prefer the TPB for the size, I’ve been purchasing the hardcovers for the added sketches and covers.  Just finished the 2nd hardcover.  I’ll have issues 49-55 waiting for me after I finish book 3 and 4 this weekend.

  9. Singles, then HCs, is the way to go with this book.

  10. I can never justify buying the same thing twice, even for this book.  I have 1-25 in trade and then 26-current in singles.  Both read really well.


  11. Finished up the fourth hardcover and the singles I had been sitting on the other day. Can’t wait for this, so happy to finally be all caught up!

  12. Still my #1.

  13. That Cover is GREAT.

    Love the side-view mirror.

  14. Fine issue.  Can’t help but feel the reveal at the end would have meant more if I was reading thisin trade.  Whatever led up to it is fading in memory.

  15. @Templar-I disagree.  The cliffhanger has a huge impact simply if you have been reading this book for a long time.  If you just jumped on, then I can see how you might not be as taken aback by it.

    I went crazy when I saw that last panel!!!  And then the part with the phone?  Oh man, what an amazing issue.  Kirkman keeps hitting it out of the park with this book.  My POTW, easily.

  16. …You disagree that I have trouble remembering what led up to the ending?

  17. …you have trouble remembering that just two issues ago she found out her whole family was dead?

  18. Yes, I do.  Something that happened two or three months ago, when I read a ton of comics, quite often slips my mind.

  19. Kind of bored by this one… until the last page.

  20. I liked it as always, but I’m ready for them to be somewhere definite doing something. The wandering around is getting a little old.

  21. if that’s really her on the last page… fuck you, Kirkman.

  22. @AlexG: They are definately going to D.C. in a caravan right now, they aren’t wandering anymore. The doctor thinks he has a cure for what is happening.

     @Sunnyvale Trash: I totally agree!

     Great issue.

  23. And the hits keep on comin’!

    You know why this book rocks (besides the obvious — characters, story, dialogue, artwork)? — No one is safe. This makes every scene tense. Whenever there is danger, it’s for real. For every single character. That’s awesome.

  24. The preview image for the next issue directly conflicts with the last panel of this isse.

    Is Kirkman thowing in a red herring. Miss Direction?


  25. Maybe that was put out before this issue was written? Or maybe, it’s like you said — red herring.

    I just hope it isn’t another "Fooled ya!" type last page, like a few issues back when it looked like RIck was a zombie. That’d be cheap to do it again, so soon after. 

  26. I’m not the one reading Wolverine First Class. That’s my girlfriend’s. I do, however find Hulk to be more worthy of the $2.99, though purely because I’ve missed out on so much of TWD.

    @WinTheWonderBoy – Utter hopeless doesn’t make TWD a great book.

  27. Decent book.  Can’t say I was too upset about the last page, but I am interested to see the ramifacations it has on other characters.

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