Comic Books


Magneto is an X-Man. This may not be news to you, but only a handful in the Marvel Universe know that the poster boy for Fearing Mutants is now living just off the coast of one of the United State’s largest cities. How on Earth are the X-Men going to explain the presence of one of the world’s most infamous super villains?

This Point One issue provides the answer, and is a perfect jumping on point to the flagship X-Men book. And to make it even MORE special, superstar-artist CARLOS PACHECO (ULTIMATE AVENGERS, ULTIMATE THOR) gets in on the fun!

Story by Kieron Gillen
Art by Carlos Pacheco
Colors by Frank D'Armata
Cover by Carlos Pacheco

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.6%
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. So is fraction off this book now?

  2. Man, does Emma Frost look good or does she look good? Go Pacheco!

  3. I think I’m going to pass on this one.  I really don’t feel that I need a .1 issue and it’s just a ploy to get me to buy an extra X-Men book.  Believe me I buy plenty already. 

  4. Please let this be a turning point for the x-Men. They’ve been boring for so long it’s been depressing

  5. @mikeandzod21  Man, no kidding. Pacheco was awesome when he last drew the X-Men…15 years ago.

  6. This actually looked fun to read seeing the preview for it. It looks like it’s 22 page of Magneto trying to fix his image through a PR campaign. How can that not be fun to read?

  7. I’m torn about the preview. On the one hand, how the heck Magneto is on the team without the rest of the world minding is something UXM should probably address sooner or later, and I love the way Mags is being written in the preview.

    On the other hand, I wish this could be played for comedy. Also that Magneto would somehow be forced to wear that hideous outfit the PR lady suggested. Come on, Maggie! It’s not like you’ve never worn worse!

  8. Finally…the mediocre Fraction run is over!

  9. First Gillen-only ish!  I’m excited and I’m in!

  10. Wonder when Logan will finally realize how tacky his costume is nowadays and change it back to the brown.

  11. I really dig this cover

  12. Can we get Magneto back to being a villain? Him happily joining the team is ridiculous. And if the story of this is him trying to fix his image? Oh man that sound really weak. Since HoM the x-men has been a weak, pale shadow of itself. I recently went back and started reading Morrison’s run again and THAT is what the X-Men need. Also, I hate the island.

  13. Giving Uncanny yet another shot. Hoping Gillen can jump start this book back to where it should be.

  14. @mikeandzod21 i agree that this has been a weak book for a while, but i loved the utopia arc and the island. Magneto was never a villain per se. He was just trying to be the champion of progress that he felt his “race” needed. Scott found a way to be what both charles and magneto failed to be. He allowed them to “protect and serve” while still being safe and out from under humankind’s boots. Magneto is my favorite character from anything ever! And to see him humble himself as he has in the past months has been a very enjoyable experience for me.

    P.S. I hated morrison’s run lol. Only because he gave birth to fantomex, don’t get me wrong, he’s a cool guy. It’s just that no writer knows what exactly it is he can do, or how he does it. at least that’s how it seems to me.

    This issue was amazing!! I have been reluctantly picking up the .1 issues for the books that i’m already reading (thor, cap, spidey) and surprizingly, they’ve all been really enjoyable, but this takes the cake. Anything where Ol’ Mags is headlining has an advantage out of the gate.

  15. Ahhh…what a satisfying X-Men book.  If this is what Gillen’s run will be like, 2011 really is going to be the year of the X-Men.

    Did anyone else have the misprint in the next to last panel that moved all the word balloons to the right a half inch?

  16. Eh …this book was alright Pacheco ‘s isn’t what it used 2 b either.

  17. In the preview for the coming year’s stories, is that last panel drawn by the dreaded Greg Bland? I was so hoping he was the baby being thrown out with the Fraction water.
    This was the best Uncanny comic in over a year, but that is not really saying much.

  18. @AlanRob  Yeah all the balloons were pushed down, if you notice they are flat on one ege which would presumably line up with the panel breaks.

  19. Liked the idea of the X-Men One Shot. Picked it up. Was pretty good.  Not enough to get me back into it, but I was already signed up for Jason Aaron’s run.

  20. @mikeandzod21  and Andrew  I am right there with you. The main book (Uncanny X-Men) has been real bad for a few years. I have found most mutant books to be boring for awhile now. Even Jason Aaron’s Wolverine book has been boring and I loved his Wolverine:Weapon X. But this for me was a EXCELLANT issue. So I have some hope this is a turn around for the book.

  21. I picked up this book after seeing it was teh POTW last week, sadly for me it didn’t really live up to the hype Ron gave it on the podcast last week, not a horriable book not not nearly as good as he made it out to be, I’m likely not going to continue to pick this up, the only X-book out right now that really gets me excited every month is Uncanny X-Force right now, I’ll just stick with that for the time being

  22. Not really sure what the point of this point one issue was. As a long-reformed former X-fanatic who only occasionally dips a toe in the mutant books these days, I picked up this issue wanting it to do what they said the .1 books would do – provide a good jumping-on point, give an idea of what’s going on in the title, acquaint me with the current reality of Uncanny X-Men. I don’t feel like I got that. It was a fairly fun Magneto story, but how is this introducing me or re-introducing me to anything? It didn’t sell me. I’ll be back for the next big anniversary or oversized issue, I guess. Till then, see ya.

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