Comic Books
The fate of the entire world rests on the shoulders of Deadpool! A new Death is born! Refugee mutants from the Age of Apocalypse descend on our world! Can the merc with a mouth hold off long enough for X-Force to regroup? Is there any hope of staving off the Age of Archangel? Not if Iceman and The Blob have their say.
Monsters of doom and glory, Rick Remender (Venom, Punisher), Jerome OpeƱa (Punisher, Moon Knight) and legendary colorist Dean White (Avengers) reunite to serve up another boss bowl of breakneck action in the hottest book on the stands!
Story by Rick RemenderArt by Jerome Opena
Colors by Dean White
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Esad Ribic & Mike Del Mundo
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 23.2%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
havok1977 | 10/17/11 | No | Read Review |
sendrius | 10/13/11 | Yes | Read Review |
sp1dey | 10/13/11 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.5
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omgomgomgomgomgomgomg!! The dark angel saga gets better EVERY issue!! AoA ice-man? Are you kidding!? HELL YES!
Remender + Opena= giggity giggity.
Not only the best x-book but the best Marvel book out there right now
Definitely best at Marvel, maybe period. I cannot wait to read this and hopefully drool on any of the pages.
hopefully not* sorry I’m excited for this.
Outside of the Snyder/Jock/Francavilla Detective run, this is my favorite main stre superhero run of the past few years. Rememder is so good at taking a concept and pushing it as far as he possibly can, it’s what made the first 25 issues or so of Fear Agent so great
So glad I subscribed to this!
It may just be me, but whenever an issue comes out, I’m like, “This is good, but why am I still reading this?”. Then I read it and it’s, like, “Oh yeah, this is fucking amazing.”
I’m silly that way.
This is one of the few books that Marvel keeps double shipping that I am happy about. His use of Deadpool is fantastic, and I’m looking forward to this issue with him as one of the few team members still active.
For the first time in a long time I want to like Deadpool, but Remender’s jokes are just un-funny to me. Remender has me 100% on board with Fantomex though, I will say that.
Great art as always, I love the wings as a cape motif
There are just too many good things about this book to list. But really all you need to say is “AoA”!!
This is by far my favorite book every time it comes out. Here’s hoping Remender stays with it for a very long time.
The beauty of this book is it’s unpredictability. I’m usually adept at knowing what comes next (perhaps due more of the lack of creativity, than my “gift”), but Remender has me guessing and chomping at the bit as each panel passes by. This is simply not reading, this is an experience! The “Dark Angel Saga”, when done, will be a modern classic!
Please get this storyline over with already.
What’s the rush?
I like this issue very much, I just don’t understand when AOA Iceman became evil. And he is, like, sadistic evil. I find that hard to believe.
I couldn’t figure that out either, was wondering if I missed something.
This is what epic comics are all about. This is easily the best book from Marvel right now.